|Chapter 40 : Out Of All The Days...|

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"Do you have trust issues?"

"Nope. Can't have issues with something you don't have" I muttered tiredly while keeping my head propped up in my hand, using the arm rest for support as my body ached as Blaise, Pansy and Daphne gave out a mix of responses

"Fucking hell-"

"That's deep-"

"That's dark that's what that is. And we trust you and you trust us! So don't say that!-"

"It's depressing. Just like me"

"No! Lia, don't say that"

"Truth hurts Blaise. I'm going to bed" I murmured as I grabbed my book before standing up, moving past them all as I walked off

"Please sit back down Amelia"

"I'm tired Pansy-"


"I'm just tired. So so tired. I'm going to try and get to sleep"

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah, I'll see you all in the morning"

"Night Lia"

"Night" I muttered back without effort or energy, feeling completely drained as I disappeared down into the dorm, not even noticing Millicent sitting at her desk as I put my book away before collapsing on my bed with the drapes drawn around, barely able to keep my eyes open.

Getting shaken awake awhile later I swatted Pansy's hands away as I rolled over onto my stomach


"Fuck off-"

"Get up!"

"I've only been asleep for a few hours-"

"Thirteen! Thirteen hours you've been fucking sleeping! You've missed the first part of the fucking morning" She shouted at me as I pushed myself up, staring at her blankly as I tried to push my hair from my face

"Well then why didn't you fucking wake me?"

"I tried to! You said you'd follow then you weren't in potions-"

"We had potions and you didn't make sure I was up and out of bed?!" I screamed at her as I rolled out of bed, hastily pulling my shirt on and buttoning it up as I stopped in horror

"It's lunch.... isn't it?"

"Yeah, started ten minutes ago"


"What's up?"

"I've missed my Transfiguration test- Pansy I've missed my test! We were told we had to be there!" I said loudly as I dumped myself down onto my bed in disbelief, holding my head in my hands in horror as she sat down next to me


"How can I possibly relax?! Out of all of the fucking days for this to happen!-"

"Diggory covered for you"

"I- what- He did? Did he?" I asked quickly, whipping around to look at her as she nodded and I sighed in relief, my hands and legs shaking as she pulled something from her pocket and held a letter out to me as I took it shakily

"It came for you this morning. Your owl wasn't very happy when she realised you weren't about"

"I've now got to go to McGonagall..... and Snape"

"You're fine with Snape. He just sort of stared at us all individually-"

"What did you say the reason was for me not being there?"

"We said you had explosive diarrhoea and you couldn't move and were now in the hospital wing with a bucket strapped to-"

"Pansy!" I screamed as she burst out laughing, her face burning as she sank down onto the floor, holding her sides before starting to wipe away the tears that were rolling down her face

"I swear to fucking Merlin!"

"Oh wow I wish we'd said that now-"

"You're a complete bitch! What did you actually say?"

"We just said you're ill"

"Are you sure?"



"I promise-"

"I don't believe you-"

"I'm not surprised" she shrugged, still laughing to herself as I finished getting changed, brushing my hair before following her as we made our way to the hall

"You have to go and talk to Lupin though"

"What do you mean? Why?"

"Because we didn't tell him you were ill. He asked where you were and we didn't say anything. Blaise eventually just told him that you were still asleep and he said he wanted to talk to you at the end of the day-"

"Well we all know who's not going to do that"

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