|Chapter 30 : Dorm Chats|

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"Hey.... Lia...."


"I'm like coffee"

"And how's that?"

"Because I keep you up past 2am-"

"Only because you never shut the fuck up" I mumbled as I glanced at her, smiling slightly as she sat on the floor with a grin on her face

"You love me talking"

"I love it when you talk sense and the only reason as to why is because it's such a rare thing"

"Oh shush"

"I'll be back in a minute" I told Pansy quietly as I stood up and left the dorm. Knocking on Adrian and Miles' door I waited for a minute, getting no response I pushed the door open and started coughing, the room stinking of smoke as I drew my sleeve over my mouth. Sighing, I looked at the two who were passed out on their beds before I wandered into their bathroom, stopping as I caught sight of the bottle. Completely forgetting what I was doing I sat down on the edge of their bath with the bottle in my hand, the label slightly faded but the word 'upgrade' still clear as day as I took the cap off and poured a handful out, six or seven landing in my hand as I stared at them.
Pocketing them after a minute I stood up and put the bottle back, having completely forgotten as to why I originally came down here as I headed back to my dorm, pushing the door open to find Daphne standing there, a slightly paranoid look as she turned and looked at me before turning away and back to Pansy



"Where were you? You were meant to be back ages ago-"

"I went places Amelia, okay? Do you want put a leash on me next time I leave?"

"Woah, what the fuck was that all about?" I asked after she had snapped at me as I sank down into the chair at my desk with my eyebrows raised as she turned to me with her arms crossed

"I had a lovely little chat with your sister"


"She brought up a lot of valid points"



"What about me?"

"About how you're a freak"

"What?" I asked her quietly, a strange sense of loss coming over me as I stared at her, watching her face change slightly as she stood up a bit straighter

"And what exactly was it she said?"

"You're either playing quidditch, with Diggory or hanging out with us-"


"But we've never seen you study-"

"You're kidding me, right-?"

"Yet you're still top of the class, sitting tests and getting moved into classes that are meant to be of OWL and NEWT level, she said you could pass them all with straight O's. But you're keeping a low profile-"

"I can't keep a low profile. I'm branded a murderer every other day-"

"She says you're good at everything. Singing, drawing, acting, quidditch. You can pick up new languages just by hearing them once. She says you're a freak.... and nothing else" she said quietly as I stared at her ludicrously

"You have to be fucking kidding me! That is complete and utter bullshit! For one, I most definitely can't pick up a new language after hearing it once, that can't be possible-"

"Wieviel Uhr ist es?"

"It's ten to two- was that German?" I asked Daphne as she stared at me wide eyed and I looked at Pansy confused as she sat there surprised

"Verstehen Sie mich?"

"Yes I understand you-"

"You don't speak German! You speak Latin and French! That's it!"

"And Spanish.... I also know some Bulgarian and a tiny bit of Arabic" I muttered with a shrug as I stood up

"Where is she?"

"She was making her way outside with your mother" she told me as I nodded, a growing anger as I walked to the door, stopping when I was shouted back



"She gave me this" she mumbled quietly as I turned towards her, getting passed something as my blood flared and my vision started to blur as I felt my body turn cold

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