|Chapter 15 : Breaking|

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"Amelia? What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I mumbled to Pansy after she and Daphne had sat down in front of me as I stared down at the table, my body in agony from the open cuts as she nudged my foot gently under the table



"Why's your face all red?"

"Have you been crying?"

"No. Allergic reaction" I told the two quietly as I swiped at my nose, my eyes painfully dry as my head was lifted just as something was thrown in our direction and we turned to the balled up leaflet and I stared at it with my eyes filling with tears before turning back to my plate

"Bull shit that was an allergic reaction"

"It was-"

"No it wasn't Amelia. Has Davies been bothering you again?"

"No, he-"

"Then what's affecting you so much that it's actually reduced you to tears? What has actually-?"

"Nothing now drop it, the two of you" I said to them quietly as I fiddled with the hem of my jumper under the table, the few cuts on my hand spreading pain through my fingers as I quickly stopped

"We're not going to drop this Amelia-"

"Has someone else said something?"

"Was it what made you walk off earlier? Please tell us what's- Amelia? Amelia!"

"I have practice" I muttered after standing up as I left the two sitting there, walking from the hall blankly as I started making my way down towards the dungeons, passing Blaise and Draco, barely acknowledging them as Blaise called behind me and I made my way down the stairs


"I have practice"


"I have practice-"

"I couldn't care if you have practice. You can ignore your friends but you won't ignore me" stopping, I turned to Cedric as he strode towards me and I looked at him, my face breaking as he got closer and I was pulled into a hug and I gripped at the back of his top tightly

"I thought so"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't apologise Amelia. What's happened?"

"I don't want to be here anymore Ced. This isn't home, this isn't the place where I'm supposed to feel accepted" I cried as the tears ran down my face, dropping onto his T-shirt as he rubbed my back and swayed slightly as I started sniffing

"I know you don't, and I know you hate this place Lia but why didn't you come and talk to me? I've always said you could and you know you can"

"I don't want to bother you and be a burden"

"You aren't a burden Amelia, and you don't bother me, you never could"

"But I'm such a pain, you shouldn't have to put up with me"

"'Put up with you'? What do you mean? You say that as if I have no choice. I love spending time with you Lia and I just want you to be alright but I can't even do that"

"But that's my faul-"

"No! Don't finish that. Please stop saying things like that, Lia. It's not true, it's not your fault"

"But it is. None of this would happen if I just left"

"I'm sorry but I'm not going to let you leave, Amelia. I need you around-"

"No you don't. You can do so much better than me" I told him quietly as I moved to wipe at my face, making a move to step away as I was pulled back towards him

"Don't say that Amelia. Don't ever say that because that is not true, you're my family and it's going to stay like that no matter what. You shouldn't be thinking like that, I don't even know how a thought like that came into your head. I need you and you can't change that, you're sticking around Lia but I need you to talk to me. I need to know when you're struggling so I can help, you can't bottle things up, alright?" He asked quietly as I stayed quiet, wiping at my face before giving a small nod as he stepped back and kept his hands on my shoulders as I glanced at him and he wiped my cheeks before I pulled him into a hug

"I'm sorry"

"The fact you apologise for nothing both amuses and upsets me. You don't need to apologise"


"Please stop Amelia"


"I love you"

"I love you too"

"There we are"

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