|Chapter 149 : Poplars|

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Walking into the library I looked down all the empty aisles, finally coming across one as I stopped, Cedric sitting at the very end of it with a book propped up in front of him as he swished his wand gently, murmuring an incantation while trying to figure out the movement. Making my way over to him I stood on his right as he turned his head, a look of pure surprise taking over his face as he lowered his wand and I motioned to the chair beside him

"Can I?"

"I-yes of course. Let me just- move this-" he murmured as he grabbed his books and pushed them to the side while I pulled the chair out beside him and sat down as he turned to me, his chin propped in his hand

"How've you been?"

"Alright, stressed and tired mainly but alright. What about you?"

"Yeah I've been alright too.... How's the mystery of the egg going?"

"Rubbish, I haven't a clue what to do" he told me, a laugh getting the better of him as I gave a small smile, the two of us falling silent for a couple of minutes as I stared at the books on the shelf in front of us



"Is this you back?" He asked quietly as I turned my head to him, tears begging to fall down my face as I watched his lips twist downwards ever so slightly as he ran his hand through his hair to distract himself

"I'm so sorry Cedric, I'm so sorry for everything" I whispered, barely able to raise my voice as I wiped at my face and he stared at me silently and I glanced away again as I took a deep breath in and held it before slowly exhaling

"I understand if you're fed up with it all and how I've been treating you these past few months and you-"

"I'm going to stop you right there" he told me as he stood up, pushing his chair in while packing his books into his bag, my heart breaking while I felt my eyes burn with the tears waiting to fall. Feeling a tap on my shoulder I bit my tongue before turning my head, looking at his outstretched hand as I stayed sitting before meeting his gaze, finally taking ahold of it as I was brought to my feet and instantly into a hug as we wrapped our arms around each other tightly, muffling my cries into his jumper as he dropped his head onto mine

"Please never scare me like that again, Amelia. I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to be able to take it"

"I'm so sorry Ced I'm so so sorry"

"I just wanted my Lia back, that was all" he told me quietly as I let out a shaky breath. Not sure how much time had passed I took a slight step back, making sure to keep one arm around him as he looked at me while I dug around in my pocket, eventually pulling out a little wrapped package as I gave it to him

"What's this?"

"It's your Christmas present... before I forget to give it to you"

"Awh Lia you didn't have to"

"Of course I did"

"If I'd known you'd be popping along to the library I would've brought yours"

"Cedric you didn't have to get me anything"

"Nonsense of course I did, no matter what happens you'll always be important enough to me to get a Christmas present" he told me while tucking it into his pocket before taking a step back, flattening my hair before gently dropping his hands onto my shoulders

"Now come on Claude Monet, let's get some food"

"Claude Monet?"

"Mhm, only a girl as vibrant as his paintings could be called that. You're the human version of his artwork"

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