|Chapter 155 : Captured Moments|

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"I never got to talk to you at the Yule Ball, you kept running away"

"Oh hello Aaron" I smiled as he sat down next to me, loading his plate with some roast potatoes and pie as he started to eat and glanced at me with a smile

"I must say you did look very very nice though"

"Awh thank you, Dracos mother got me the dress. I'm so sorry I never got the chance to come over and talk to you"

"No no don't apologise, you were enjoying yourself and I'm glad"

"So did you enjoy your night?"

"I did, yes. But it could've been better"

"Oh? How so?"

"I never got to ask the person I wanted to if they wanted to go with me"

"You didn't? How come?"

"She was asked miles in advance apparently" he laughed as I gave him a small smile, rubbing his arm as I grabbed some soup for myself

"You'll get another chance"

"I hope so, we'll just see how it plays out- that reminds me actually, I believe your brother and sister want to talk to you"

"They do?"

"Yeah... Oscar is coming over now actually"

"Oh god" I muttered quietly, turning back to my plate after looking at Oscar a couple of meters away before he took the seat beside me

"Afternoon Amelia, Aaron"


"So how was the ball?"



"Did you get up to anything much after Amelia?"


"I'm just wondering, I'm upset I couldn't go"

"Sucks for some"

"tu ne mets vraiment pas grand-chose dans la conversation"

"Pourquoi aurais-je?" I asked amused as me and Aaron let out a laugh before I turned back to Oscar who was sitting there twirling one of the forks on the table

"You can go now"

"But I'm not-"

"I don't care, I'm telling you to go" I cut across him, staring at him while he nodded silently and stood up

"And one last thing!"


"Stay away from my friends, yeah? Stop badgering them" I told him as he refused to reply, turning on his heel and walking away as I grabbed a slice of bread and dunked it into my soup. A little while passing and with us both finishing our food we both soon left the hall and went our separate ways as I headed in the direction of the common room


"Holly?" I asked with my eyebrows raised, feeling impatient as I turned and watched her walk towards me, her hands deep into her jumper pocket

"I've got something that might interest you"

"I highly doubt anything you could show me could ever peak any form of interest from me" I sighed as I turned and continued walking, her running up to my side and catching up with me as she stopped me on her way, holding her hand up as she showed me the back of a photo

"And what's that?"

"Oh you're interested now?"

"I've got places to be Holly"

"And so have i but I thought I'd still take the time to enlighten you on some prior information I got ahold of"

"I'm not playing this fucking game with you: either spit it out or move on" I told her as she grinned at me widely, turning the photo around as I stared at it wide eyed, it being the moment me and Draco kissed under the mistletoe on Christmas Eve as I went to grab it from her and she pulled her hand back

"How and where did you get that?"

"I just so happened to be passing at the exact same time and thought I'd get proof... just to double check what I saw yknow-"

"Holly, give me that"

"But why should I?"

"Because you haven't got any use for it-"

"Oh but I have... you see.... There's nothing stopping me from going over to Nott and showing him this, after all everybody comes back to Hogwarts within the hour and I'm sure he'd rather know you were kissing Malfoy when being in a relationship than being kept in the dark over it all" she told me, an almost daring look in her eye as my stomach dropped, fear spilling over me as my hands grew clammy and I grabbed her wrist before snatching the picture and stuffing it in my pocket

"Don't you dare say anything to him"

"And why shouldn't I?"

"Because I can't have him finding out"

"But that's not exactly fair on him is it?"

"I don't care! Holly, please you can't say anything" I begged, blinking furiously as I grabbed at my hair and tried to control my breathing

"I'll do anything, just please don't say anything to him"

"I'm not convinced you're that bothered if I tell him-"

"Holly! Please!" I said to her, my voice growing louder as I covered my mouth, my eyes brimming with tears as she looked at me amused

"It's so amusing to me that-"

"Everything alright here?" Turning around I looked at Fred and George who were walking down the corridor towards us, a confused look on both of their faces as I turned back to Holly and lowered my voice as I stepped towards her

"Holly please... I'm begging you, don't do anything and don't say anything if he finds out then I'll be-"

"Yeah we're good thanks, nothing to see here boys" Holly told the two, smiling at them before brushing past me as an overwhelming feeling to throw up took over me, my skin growing cold as I turned around, watching Fred smile at Holly and offer me a nod before the two walked off and George looked at me, still with a lingering confused look on his face

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I- yeah I'm fine" I mumbled quietly, staring at their retreating figures horrified as my mouth grew dry and he nodded slowly, a skeptical look on his face before I turned and disappeared down the hall, loosening off my tie and undoing my top two shirt buttons as I tried to breathe

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