|Chapter 130 : Misinterpretations|

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"Amelia!" Opening my eyes as much as I could I stared ahead confused through tired eyes, my face being patted repeatedly as I let out an incoherent mumble, rolling myself over as I tried to go back to sleep, getting pulled back around as I tried to open my eyes again

"Amelia, can you hear me?"


"Can you get up?"

"I don't want to leave my bed-"

"Lia, you're not in bed, you're in the empty history of magic classroom"

"What? Why am I here?" I asked quietly, staring at the ground confused before something caught my eye and I looked to my right slightly, a growing smudge of blood beside me as I mumbled quietly and shuffled away from it uncomfortably

"None of us know but we need to get you up and out of here"

"No thank you, I'm okay here-"

"Irregardless we're getting you up Lia"


"It's me Lia, it's me. Come on, we need to get you up-"


"Amelia we need to get you up and out of here"

"Piss off Zabini I don't want to be near you.... or you Parkinson" I added in quietly, groaning in pain as I finally noticed her crouching next to him as I struggled to roll over onto my stomach, everything starting to spin slightly before I started pushing myself up, it taking longer than I'd expected as I started stumbling about, struggling to stay up right as I kept swaying, getting grabbed by the shoulders as I felt my knees growing weak

"Amelia, it's Pansy talking to you, we don't care if you don't want to be near us right now but we need to get-"

"Miss Parkinson and Mr Zabini- it is past midnight what on earth are you doing wandering the school at this time?"


"And who are you with? I have every right to give the three of you a detention if you don't have a liable explanation for this-"

"Is that Minnie? Oh wow it is, hello McGonagall!" I greeted loudly as I turned around and looked at her as I forced a smile onto my face, it becoming painful as I quickly stopped as she stared at me slightly taken aback

"Amelia, what happened?"

"Nothing happened I'm all good I was just at practice-"

"No you fucking weren't Amelia! You weren't down at the pitch and it was Nott that done it to you!"

"Miss Parkinson, please-"

"Theodore didn't do anything-"

"Your head and face is bleeding heavily Amelia! He's done a lot!"

"You say it was Mr Nott that has done this to Amelia? Miss Parkinson how can you be so sure?"

"Because he's been doing it for months Professor-"

"Professor, if I may, Theodore Nott hasn't done anything to me and believe me you know me well enough to know that if he was doing anything I'd have of sorted it all out by now and he'd been in the hospital wing because of it. It wouldn't be the other way around, believe me, he hasn't done anything to me with the intent to hurt me" I explained to her, talking slowly and tiredly as she looked at me before glancing to the other two

"Both of you back to your common room immediately while I take Miss Black to the hospital wing" she told them both shortly before standing to the side as I was motioned through the door and she followed after me, leading me up the stairs as we eventually got to the hospital wing. Pomfrey eventually came over after treating someone who had their face covered in boils and thick yellow slime as I zoned out, staring at the floor dumbly as a hand gently landed on my shoulder and I was lead over to a bed before sitting down as I stared down, a complete sense of hopelessness and dread crashing over me as I sat there silently

"Miss Black, you'll be staying in here tonight and will be attending classes as per usual tomorrow morning"

"Yes Professor"

"And make sure you try to get some rest"

"Yes Professor"

Silently Screaming For Helpजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें