|Chapter 161 : Waking Up|

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A couple of people looked up as Professor McGonagall walked into the classroom with a worried look on her face as she cast a glance to the small group of Slytherins in the back of the room who sat quietly with each other, staring blankly at anything, or just not paying attention- all of them lost in thought with a pool of worry swirling in their stomachs

"Textbook work today, turn to page seventy three and work through as much as you can" she told them all as they cast confused glances to those they were next to before unwillingly taking out their textbooks as they flicked through the pages, the Slytherins doing so aimlessly. The class dragged by slowly, not that many people were actually doing much seeing as Professor McGonagall frequently kept disappearing

"You can pack up" she told them after reappearing in the room for what must have of been the ninth or tenth time as everybody started to pack up, standing around in small groups until the bell went telling them they could leave for lunch as everybody started to file out towards the door

"Wait! You four stay back" she called out as the last people in the room stopped and turned around to see who she was talking to as she kept her eyes on the four Slytherins as Draco, Blaise, Pansy and Daphne stayed back until the room was empty

"Take a seat if you wish, we need to wait until Mr Diggory gets here" she told them as they cast a glance to each other before the two convinced Daphne and Pansy to sit down as they leant against the table in front of them, talking quietly as McGonagall stood staring silently at the parchment in front of her as the door opened a minute later and Cedric looked between them as he was motioned to shut the door as he did so and leant against a nearby table

"I presume you all know why you're here"

"It's Amelia... isn't it?"

"I'm afraid so Mr Diggory-"

"Is she alright?"

"She's... well, she's-"

"Has something else happened?" One of the Slytherins asked quietly as both Cedric and Professor McGonagall turned to them and watched as the other three tore their gaze away from Draco as he looked at her with an unreadable look as she glanced back down at the parchment in front of her

"She woke up less than an hour ago"

"Well that's a good thing is it not?"

"Yes and no, Miss Parkinson. With what I know she is asleep at the moment, at least I believe so" she told them as she watched the looks of relief that had washed over their faces disappear almost in an instant

"Healers worked day and night for almost an entire week to find a way to bring her around. They had to force her to wake up"

"Why wasn't she just left to wake up when her body was ready to?"

"The healers didn't have much choice other than to wake her up, if she hadn't woken up within the next few days they highly doubt that she would have of been able to come around herself" she explained to them as they fell silent, casting glances to one another or just staring down at the floor with widened eyes

"Nadia told me as she passed with Professor Dumbledore that Amelia had woken up, now Mr Diggory I know that you've been in the hospital wing beforehand when she was not awake, but I do-"

"How come he got in and we didn't?"

"Nadia let Mr Diggory see Amelia because she thought Amelia would want him to but she wasn't entirely certain. She knows that Amelia wouldn't want you four to see how she was"

"So that's how bad it is?"

"I'm afraid so Mr Zabini. Worse than that unfortunately, now I'm not actually meant to tell any of you this but I do have the extent of her injuries. Not all of them, but what we know of. So it's up to you whether you would like to know or not..."

"How long is the list?" Daphne asked quietly as she glanced towards her with glassy eyes as she showed them the parchment, nearly every inch of both sides covered in writing as Daphne glanced away towards Pansy as they shared the same look before gently grasping at each other's hands

"Would you like me to read it or yourself?"

"Just read it out Professor" Cedric said quietly as they turned towards him before she glanced at the Slytherins and gave a nod as she held the parchment in front of her

"Official report of St Mungo's healers. In regards to a Miss Amelia Belle Fern Sienna Black. In relation to the previous incident we have recorded all known injuries at this present time:-
Three broken fingers
Two fractured fingers
A broken right wrist
Fractured right ankle
Dislocated left knee and shoulder
Broken humerus
Broken femur
Punctured lung
Ruptured spleen and multiple vertebrae
Broken pelvis
A singular slipped disk
Broken eye socket
Four broken ribs
Three bruised ribs..." McGonagall read out quietly as she stopped, nowhere even near halfway down the page as she glanced towards the group that stood in front of them before casting a glance to Cedric as they all stood there silently

"St Mungo's have decided not to include the extensive bruises, burns, scars or the fact that she can't talk or eat to the list-" she started to tell them quietly but cut herself off as she watched Daphne stand up and walk quickly from the room with tears falling down her face as she slammed the door behind her and the three Slytherins cast glances to each other before Pansy followed her, disappearing in an instant as the three stared after her and McGonagall glanced back down at the parchment, completely understanding the reaction the girls gave as she folded the sheet in half

"I'll leave it up to you whether you would like to read the rest"

"There's more?"

"I'm sorry, I really am. I know that it's nothing of what you want to hear" she said to them quietly as they all remained silent, Cedric rubbing at his eyes as to not let the tears fall as he stood with his hand over his mouth while the other two felt rage boil inside of them as Draco stood up, storming from the room as he too slammed the door behind him as Blaise followed after a split second, the door swinging open as Cedric stayed still and silent

"Mr Diggory? Are you alright?"

"Am I allowed to see her?"

"I think it would be best to wait until tomorrow" McGonagall told him quietly as he nodded before throwing a glance to their bags that lay scattered on the floor as she flicked her wand and made them disappear as he straightened up

"Thanks for telling us Professor" he said quietly before walking from the room, making his way through the empty halls slowly as feet pounded down the corridor and he turned around with a regretful and empty feeling as he looked at the group of Durmstrang's that were about to open their mouths to ask something as he cut across them and spoke to them quietly, just as Aaron appeared at the end of the corridor after having chased them up the staircase

"She woke up but she's asleep now"

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