|Chapter 157 : Bathroom|

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Sorting my shirt I quickly fixed my skirt before trying to brush through my hair with my fingers before just deciding to stop as I opened the bathroom door back to my dorm to get my hairbrush as I yelped slightly and stepped back from fright

"It's only me, sorry, I shouldn't have of done that" Draco apologised laughing as I felt my heart rate slow and I shook my head with a small smile as I slipped past him and grabbed my brush and tie before walking back to the bathroom as I started to brush my hair in the mirror as he stood behind me

"He hasn't been bothering you has he? Since everyone has came back"

"Not really, he threw a comment at me a few days ago when I was coming back with Adam but other than that nothing else and I haven't really seen him"

"What did he say?"

"Just something about how I didn't want him anymore"

"Well he isn't wrong, just took him long enough to realise"

"It really did take awhile. Thank you for asking though" I said quietly with a smile as I caught his eyes in the mirror as he stood with a small smirk

"I need to ask- I'm sorry but you have a knot in your hair at the back of your head and it's bothering me" he told me laughing as I looked at him with a puzzled look as he walked forward and gently picked up a lock of hair as I reached my hand around and took it as I ran my fingers through it confused before turning to him

"No I haven't-" I said to him as I cut myself off once I found him face to face with me as I stared at him, a light red colour spreading across my cheeks as he leant his hands on the cabinet either side of me

"Are you alright?"

"Me? Yeah I'm fine. Are you?" He asked amused as I nodded and tried not to let a laugh get the better of me as he glanced at the top of the cabinet behind me before looking back at me as he leaned forward, no more than an inch away with a smirk on his face

"To my knowledge, you still owe me a kiss"

"Well in that case I'm still to be given my three galleons-" I said quietly but cut myself off as he held his hand out and I glanced down, looking at the three galleons that he held in his palm before dropping them into my chest pocket with an amused look

"Well there you go-"

"No, Draco, I can't take it. It's yours-" I said to him quietly as I looked away and tried to dig the coins out of my pocket as he took ahold of my hand and stopped me as I glanced up at him confused

"A bet's a bet Lia, you know that" he told me quietly as he stood there with a smirk before leaning forward as he brushed his lips against mine as my breath got caught in my throat, the gap between us closing instantly as he pulled me towards him and moved his arm as he cleared the top of the cabinet behind me. The sound of tubs, cups, tubes and bottles crashing onto the floor barely met my ears as I felt his arms tighten around me considerably before I was lifted up onto the now cleared cabinet as a smile crossed my face as I wrapped my legs around him and locked my arms around his neck as we broke apart for breath as he let out a light laugh as I felt my smile start to falter

"What's wrong?"

"I- we - it's too... what if he comes in and sees-?"

"Lia, he's not getting in here. The only people that can get in here are me, Blaise and you four. There's no chance he'll be able to get in without the right charm. Believe me when I say that" he told me quietly as I looked down and nodded after a moment as he tilted my head up towards him as he brought me back into a kiss while he moved his hand and rested them on my waist as I ran a hand down his chest with a small smile while I was pulled towards him, his thumbs hooking into the waistband of my skirt as I pulled back with a laugh

"What?" he asked amused as I shook my head grinning and glanced up as I gently pressed my lips against his as his hands ran up me, pushing my cloak off and onto the counter behind me before he pulled back laughing

"What is it?"

"I'm not counting that as my third kiss"

"What? Why?"

"Because if that wasn't a tease then I don't know what is" he laughed as I shook my head grinning as I turned my head back to him and pressed my lips against his as a grin grew on his face as he moved a hand and knotted his fingers in my hair as I fiddled with the collar of his shirt, looping my fingers under his tie as I tugged at it slightly. Pulling back a moment later for breath I looked at him amused as he glanced down grinning

"Now that's one, I'll count" he said as I started laughing before pulling him back into a kiss with a smirk on my face

"Hey Lia! Pansy's wondering if she could borrow something called a coconut- well shit" I heard Blaise say as I pulled back and we looked at each other as I tried not to laugh as my face grew red

"Apparently Blaise doesn't know how to knock"

"Apparently not" I agreed quietly as I patted his chest awkwardly and he glanced up before moving his hands as he stepped back and looked at me with a smirk as he left the bathroom, slipping past Blaise as he stared after him and I slipped off the cabinet and flicked my wand making everything go back to the way it was before picking up the circular tub of coconut skin cream and holding it out to him as I turned my head towards him.

"That's what she's probably on about- oh don't give me that look" I said to him as he leant against the doorframe with his arms crossed, eyebrows raised and a grin on his face and I dropped the tub into his outstretched hand as he went to open his mouth


"Why won't you tell him?"

"Tell him what?"

"You clearly like him Lia"

"W-what? No. That's absurd. Preposterous. What gave you that-?"

"Lia, one, you clearly do. Stop lying to yourself. Two, if you didn't like him you wouldn't let him snog you at any chance he got" he told me with his eyebrows still raised as my cheeks flared bright red

"See? You're not denying it"

"Oh be quiet Blaise"

"You might want to brush your hair, it's kind of... well, messy" he said as I glanced at him as looked at the amused and smug smirk on his face as I grabbed a nearby toothpaste tube and threw it at him as he narrowly dodged it

"You're an asshat"

Silently Screaming For HelpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora