|Chapter 119: Deep Water|

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With a small smile growing on my face I swam through the water away from the view of common room, getting a glimpse of the two schools mixing in little groups as people say and laughed with one another. Making my way back to the surface I broke through the top, treading as I glanced around at the bright daylight glaring down onto the water

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Yes actually" I told Draco laughing from where he and Blaise stood on the stones as I swam over to them

"Are you two not coming in?"

"Dear Merlin no"

"That's sad. You guys should"

"You shouldn't, you'll catch a cold"

"No I won't. I'm like, immune... remember?" I asked laughing as I sat in the shallow part of the lake

"Dinner is soon, are you coming?"

"I'll catch up with you two in a bit" I told them as I turned around and started swimming but went nowhere

"Can you maybe let go?" I asked Draco laughing from where he kneeled on the banking with a hold on my ankle with a growing smirk

"Get out of there Lia"

"What if I don't want to?"

"I'll drag you out if I have to"

"No you won't"

"Will I not?"

"Dragging me out would require you getting in the water and you have already declined my offer so I know you-" I stated but stopped as I shrieked after getting dragged out of the water and onto the stone banking

"Draco you idiot!" I yelled laughing as I aimed a kick at his shins

"I'm cold now" I mumbled as I glared at him and crawled to me feet before I looked around for my jumper.

"When did you get those?" Blaise asked as he pointed to my legs and I looked down, pulling a face at the fact I was wearing running shorts as I stared at the black and blue bruises on the back of my legs as I tugged my hoodie on over my head before they could spot the ones on my back and stomach while I turned back to them, Draco's grey eyes staring at me intensely as he gave me a calculating look.

"Nott" I answered him quietly as I flicked my wand and changed my shorts to a pair of black leggings before climbing up onto the grass as I headed back to the castle with the two following not far behind.

"The other ones are more visible you know" Blaise called out as I spun around

"Crikey Blaise must you be so loud? I'd prefer others not to know about the bruises that cover my body thank you very much" I hissed at him quietly before continuing on my way as the two walked on either side of me, the only sounds was that of our shoes against the stone floor

"....And I know they are"

"Then why didn't you get Pomfrey to heal them when you were there earlier?"

"Because of those awkward and weird questions she always asks"

"Why don't you lie?"

"Because she always finds out"

"Why didn't you let one of us heal them?" Blaise continued to ask as I let a small smile creep up my face

"You two probably can't even tell the difference between dittany and eletri" I pointed out amused as Blaise and Draco stopped and I turned around to the two

"Do any of the girls-?"

"No, and I want it to stay that way"

"What about-?"

"Only you two know, and I wasn't even wanting that to happen. Can we just keep it like that please? Just us, that is" I asked the two of them quietly before walking away down the corridor, my soaking hair leaving droplets of water on the floor before I flicked my wand to dry it

"Oh no" I mumbled before turning around as I walked with them again

"What's wrong?"

"Up ahead" I said quietly as I watched Nott stand against the wall, a few other boys along side him as they stopped talking at the sight of us- a sick smirk growing on his face before it slowly started to drop into a look of slight disgust

"Where have you been?" he asked with his eyes narrowed as the three of us stopped dead in our tracks

"Outside" I told him quietly as he stood properly and stared at the three of us


"Because I needed some air"

"And these two?" He asked pointing to Blaise and Draco who stayed standing either side of me

"We were with her" Draco said to him simply as he placed a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up slightly at the look he was giving me as the two glanced down at me while he walked over and stood in front of us

"Come on" he said as he grabbed my hand and pushed past Blaise while I stayed rooted to the spot and he turned around as I felt his eyes staring into the back of my head

"Let go Malfoy" he spat quietly as I stared wide eyed at the floor and I felt my legs begin to shake

"Please let go Draco" I begged quietly as I felt his and Blaise's eyes on me


"Please... I don't want either of you getting hurt" I whispered as quietly as I could while he stayed still for a moment before his grip fell loose and I was dragged away down the corridor as he kept a tight hold of my hand

"You better stay away from them- I don't want to see you near them or talking to them, that goes for them all, Diggory, the Gryffindors, Durmstrangs and even Beauxbatons. Got it?" He asked seething after slamming me into the wall as he stood above me, covering me with his shadow as I nodded quickly

"Now you've got to listen to what I say Amelia- what're you going to do?"

"Not talk to them- any of them, ever" I said hastily as I stared at him while biting back the tears

"Exactly. And just for good measure-" he said quietly before quickly bringing his leg up as it collided with my stomach as I fell to the ground cradling myself in pain as he stared down at me

"That's what you get for running to Malfoy" he told me disgusted before he walked off down the corridor

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