|Chapter 46 : Bitches|

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"How many?"


"Zabini, Malfoy, Pansy and Daphne?"

"You realise the guys have first names, right?" I asked Ali and Nathan amused, sitting up on the countertop with a small smile, hiding my yawn as Nadia's and Sirius's voice floated in from the living room


"But we never said that we were going to refer to them by their first names"



"Sure" I shrugged, grinning as Holly walked in and I ignored her, getting chucked an apple from Ali as I threw it back at him and we tossed it between us, another two apples getting added in as I started laughing as something was held up to me and I stopped throwing and catching them, turning from Ali and to Holly as I jumped down from the counter and looked at her

"What's that?"

"I don't know"

"Then why do you have it?"

"Because I want to know as to-"



"Come through here for a few moments please!" Looking at Nathan I watched a bored look cross his face as I smirked at him and he unwillingly followed Nadia's voice through to the living room while I turned back to Holly

"How'd you get this?"

"Get what?"

"An invitation to Recanera Parlo-"

"Were you in my fucking room?!" I asked loudly, staring her down as I felt my anger levels rise rapidly, a grin crossing her face as I ran at her, shoving her into the counter as she shouted in pain and I grabbed it from her hand as I was pulled back, getting pushed aside as Nadia stood in front of her in an instant with Sirius appearing a few seconds after as she glared at me

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Wrong with me?! She was the one snooping about my room like the disgusting pig she is! Stay away from my stuff goddammit!" I shouted between Nadia and Holly as I tried to push Ali off of me, my feet coming off the ground as I was turned away from them and my vision became blurry, everything going cloudy as strong pains shot down my spine and I hit the back of my head against his shoulder angrily as Nathan stared past the two of us before taking the invitation from me and slipping it into his back pocket, trying to offer a smile

"I fucking hate you-"

"I hate you more-" I spat back at Holly as I was slowly let go of, Ali's hands still on my shoulders as I turned around and we glared at each other

"I highly doubt it-"

"I don't-"

"You're such a whiney bitch-"

"I'm a whiney bitch?! It's rich coming from you! The one that goes about complaining about anythin' and everythin'-!"

"Enough! There will be no more 'bitches' in this house-"

"Oh! So are you moving out then?" I snarled at Nadia as she whipped around and stared at me, making a move to come over quickly as the back of her jumper was grabbed and Sirius turned to me, staring at me with a great amount of dislike

"You watch your tongue Amelia-"

"Why? Why should she? She was asking a legitimate question" Nathan shrugged as I turned and stared at him, noticing that he didn't take his eyes off of Sirius as they stared dead at each other while Nadia stood up a bit straighter

"What was that?"

"You deaf now Sampson?-"

"Don't you dare speak to her like that-"

"I'll speak to her however the fuck I want! If she won't hesitate in saying shit to me then I won't hesitate in saying shit either-"

"You ever thought to consider the fact that you deserve what she says?" Holly asked quietly, looking up at me with a scowl as I gritted my teeth, drawing my wand from my pocket in an instant and pointing it at her, opening my mouth to send a spell at her as my wand was instantly taken from my hand

"Give me my wand Nathan-"

"Amelia, no-"

"Give me my wand!"

"You can't perform magic outside of Hogwarts-"

"Do you really think that's going to fucking stop me?!" I asked angrily as I was walked from the kitchen, trying to push both Ali and Nathan out of the way as I was disapparated out in an instant

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