|Chapter 90 : Painful Popularity|

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"Since when did you speak to that LJ?"

"Since we started making conversation with each other"

"I thought you hated him"

"I don't hate him, never did. I hate you though"

"Such ill words shouldn't come from such a pretty mouth"

"Fuck off you pig" I spat as my face was grabbed, my jaw held painfully tight as I gritted my teeth, trying to shove myself away from Nott as I was slammed into the wall, my vision becoming blurred as I blinked heavily, trying to focus, barely able to make out his figure in front of me as he leaned closer

"Watch it Black"

"Fucking bite me"

"I can do worse than that so don't give me the temptation" he muttered as the back of my head throbbed and I groaned in pain, scrunching my face up as I tried to block it out

"Heard that you and Malfoy still aren't on good terms"

"What's it to you?"

"Watch your tone Amelia. Don't fucking talk to me like that" he spat as I was moved away from the wall before being slammed back into it and being let go of as he stepped back and I tried to stop myself from slumping downwards

"Talk to me like that again and you'll regret it. Be at dinner" watching him walk off I groaned and let myself slip to the ground, holding the back of my head in pain before kicking the floor angrily and muttering under my breath. Sitting there for a couple of minutes I eventually pushed myself up, walking away from the empty transfiguration corridor and down to the common room as I sank down onto a spare leather seat with my eyes shut, head propped in my hands



"Clearly not: you're breathing. And talking-"

"You do realise that I can be mentally and emotionally dead before being physically dead, right?"

"I mean... yes. But you're not"

"Bold assumption-"

"Jesus, and I thought I was depressing"

"What do you mean 'thought'? You are depressing LJ" I mumbled as he dropped down next to me heavily and I huffed in pain slightly, lifting my head and looking at him as he grinned at me and I leant back, sinking into the cool leather as he flung his arm around my shoulder, bringing me towards him as I winced

"Thank you. Those few kind words can go a long way"

"You're welcome. There, that's two remotely nice words to get you started. And that's the only nice words you'll get from me"

"Oh, I know"

"What do you need?"


"Then what do you want?"


"What have you came to tell me?"

"Victor is looking for you-"


"Aaron too"


"Diggory is wandering around looking all sorry for himself"


"The blond one is looking for you too-"


"And two older ones from this house-"

"Adrian and Miles"

"So many people...."

"I know, I can't help my popularity" I mumbled, my head against him as I shut my eyes in both pain and exhaustion, the memory running wild in my head as I stopped myself from holding the back of my head in pain

"How'd you know it was them two? I gave such a small description"

"Small is an understatement. And I just know, it usually is them. The vast majority of the time anyway"

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