|Chapter 116: Charades|

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"It wasn't his fault-"

"Sit" was all he said as I sat on a stool at a nearby table while he sat behind his desk


"It wasn't his fault- we didn't know he left, I would've stopped him if I knew"

"So why did he attack Mr Nott?" He asked suspiciously while I stared down at my hands

"I don't really know how to explain it if I'm honest professor"

"So what has Mr Nott done then?"

"A lot sir"

"Such as?"

"I'm not prepared to give out that information"

"Well then to me it just sounds like you are making up excuses to get Mr Zabini out of his detention"

"Just because I'm not giving definite answers doesn't mean it isn't true professor"

"Well then why won't you tell me?"

"Because I'm not comfortable with it and I know that you'll end up telling my mother and I don't want that to happen" I answered as the cold room was filled with a deafening silence and soon the memory of what happened not that long ago rapidly flashed through my head. I gripped my hair while I clamped my eyes shut, trying to block him out as I relived every single moment of every minute of abuse before crumpling to the floor while it stopped.

"For how long Amelia?"

"That doesn't matter, you know too much already"

"I can easily find out-"

"No!" I screamed as I scrambled to my feet and made my way to the door

"Don't- speak a word of this. To anyone"

"Go and see Madam Pomfrey for a checkup" he told me, completely ignoring my comment as I opened the door

"And tell Mr Zabini that he no longer has to attend his detention" he added while I closed the door behind me and left down the corridor as I forcefully rubbed my eyes while I made my way into the common room, ignoring calls from classmates as I made my way to the boys dorm.

"Watch it!" Blaise hissed as I walked into the bathroom

"Let me do it" I said quietly as I took the cloth from Draco and cleaned the cut across the bridge of his nose

"When did you get here?"

"Like just now" I answered Draco's confused question with a forced amused smile before flicking my wand as the cuts on his face and knuckles healed along with the slight bruising while I stared at Blaise

"You bloody prick Zabini!" I yelled as I smacked his chest repeatedly

"You fucking arsehole! Do you know what could've happened?!"

"Never mind what could've, what did?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as he grabbed my hands making me stop while I slipped them out of his hold and chucked the cloth into their hamper

"Amelia. What happened?"

"Why?" I asked before glancing at him for a split second as I caught Draco's gaze in the mirror and turned as I left their bathroom

"It's over. It's done. Blaise doesn't have his detention and everything is back to the way it was" I said without turning around as I made my way over to the open door, before placing my hand on the handle I watched as it swung shut and locked

"Oh very funny Draco, open the door" I said turning around as I stopped

"Oh" I mumbled as I watched Blaise tuck his wand away as I crossed my arms over my chest, staring at the two

"This counts as holding me against my will" I said unhappily as they came over and directed me towards a random bed before forcing me to sit down as they stared at me while taking a seat on the bed opposite the one I was on

"What actually happened?"

"Just the usual. But it's not important-"

"Not important?! Merlin's beard, Amelia! Your skin will be black and blue-!"

"It's in the past-"

"Two hours ago!-"

"Its past! Why are you dwelling on the past and not moving forward?!-"

"It's like you're making excuses! For him! Why?! If he's been doing this to you then why are you protecting him?!" Draco asked angrily as he sprang to his feet making me do the same as I looked at him

"I am not making excuses! If you really cared then you would bloody see that! Maybe I don't want to talk about it, maybe I just want a hug as we stand in a comfortable silence. Is that too much to ask for?!" I yelled at him as I stormed off and wrenched the door open making the lock burst as I stormed up the steps and out of the common room and through the corridors, passing Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students who sent glances after me


"Oh clear off Draco! Can't I have a bit of peace and quiet?!" I shouted as I whipped around before looking up

"One: I am certainly not Malfoy" Cedric said smirking as I rolled my eyes and turned away before continuing to walk down the corridor

"Hey" he called out before catching up with me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders

"What's wrong?" He asked as we walked through the halls getting confused and weird glances from other students while I turned to him and gave him a hug

"I can't be bothered doing this anymore"

"Doing what?"

"Keeping up this charade" I said to him glumly while he rubbed my back and I stopped myself from shouting out in pain

"What's happened? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked quietly as I shrugged causing him to snort

"Not very helpful" he said amused while a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips

"Come on" he urged as he kept an arm around my shoulders as we made our way into the dark grounds

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