|Chapter 186 : Interuptive Moments|

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Opening my eyes I shifted about slightly, pain growing in my legs as I stretched out

"Morning, Lia" lifting my head I smiled, Draco laying there content with his arms wrapped around my back as I lay on top of him, my hand on his shoulder and one under my head before I started drawing shapes on his skin, his hand rubbing gently at my back as I let my eyes fall shut again, my body relaxing as I focused on the sound of his heart hitting against his chest. Moving my hands I gripped at him tightly before pulling myself upwards, struggling as I bit my lip in pain, feeling his grip tighten while he moved me closer to him, my head now resting on the pillow next to his as I looked at him as he lay there with a smile before turning his head slightly to look at me

"I did miss you, I'll admit that"

You sound so resentful in saying that

"It's not resentful, it's just due to it being the first time I admit it to you. This is the first time I've saw you in a long while- I really missed you Lila. You were gone for what felt like years"

I'm back now

"Oh I know, and I'm so grateful" he mumbled quietly, lifting his head slightly to kiss my cheek as my face grew warm and I lifted myself up slightly, pressing my lips to his and kissing him gently, one of his hands moving up my back before tangling his hand in my hair as I hovered over him with my hand on his chest, the kiss slow as I soon felt my arms start to shake and an ache take over my muscles as he pulled away confused and I instantly lowered myself down with a sigh

"Are you okay? You were shaking like a leaf..."

Yeah, I'm sorry I can't keep myself up for long

"Oh Amelia don't apologise that's my fault, not yours. Don't strain yourself" he told me quietly before starting to shift and slowly rolled over onto his side, reaching past me to double check the drapes were drawn around his bed as I nestled into his pillow, his arm wrapping back around me as he shut his eyes with a small smile and I slipped my arm around him, grazing my fingers gently over his skin as I was pulled closer, chest to chest with each other before he started peppering my forehead with kisses causing me to start laughing as he stopped, pressing his hand to my mouth amused as he laid with a grin on his face, his voice just above a whisper

"If you laugh any louder then you'll wake Zabini..."

And that's a bad thing?

"Yes, because then he's going to take you away and hug you and not let go.... And I'm rather enjoying this moment and would rather he didn't do that"

So soppy

"Quiet, you" he mumbled quietly, drawing me back into a hug as he rested his head above mine with a quiet sigh and I went back to tracing circles against his skin while drawing his duvet higher up over both of us as I hid my face back in his neck, hearing somebody walk around the dorm as I lifted my head slightly and he done the same as he turned around and peeked out from behind his drape

"I didn't know you were up"

"I've just came back from lunch... I've been awake for ages"

"Unusual for you"

"It's unusual for you to still be in bed, that's what's unusual" Blaise pointed out as I laid there amused, watching as Draco let his drape fall back to where it was before as he pulled me back against him and I pressed a gentle kiss to his shoulder as Blaise wandered about the dorm, a smile growing on my face as I listened to his voice

"Have you been to your classes today?"

"No, I didn't feel like it"

"Why are you still in bed?"

"Why does it matter?"

"You best not be ill that's why it matters. If you're ill then you can isolate yourself in an empty dorm because I'm sure as hell not catching anything from you"

"I'm not ill"

"I'd hope not, I wouldn't want you to contaminate me... I might catch a case of that blond hair of yours" he muttered as my jaw dropped and I shook with silent laughter, Dracos scowl soon vanishing as he looked at me amused and I moved my hand from my mouth, looking at him grinning before leaning up and kissing him softly as he moved and pushed himself up, holding himself above me as I ran my hand up to the back of his head, pulling back for a moment before kissing me again with a smirk on his face

"Fuck off Zabini"

"Oh I will, don't you worry" he reassured him as he kept pacing about the dorm and I pulled Draco in by the back of his neck, making a move to lean up as I was pressed backwards gently towards the mattress again

"I'm actually going to go for a shower, are you wanting to go in before I turn the water on?.... Draco?" Feeling him pull away I opened my eyes as he hovered there confused, his head turned towards the drapes


"Are you going to the bathroom before I go for a shower?"


"Right okay I was only asking.... You did ignore me to be fair"

"I didn't hear you"

"Well open your ears then, yeah?"

"No I'm okay thanks" he mumbled quietly, leaning back down as he kissed along my neck gently, my fingers pressing into his skin as he grinned against my neck, pushing himself against me as I felt my face burn, his hand gently covering my mouth to cover my laugh while he pulled my leg up and held it against his side, feeling him nip at my skin as my hands moved down to his hips and he lifted his head to grin at me, my face flushed as I looked at him with a small smile, his lips instantly pressing to mine as I pulled his hips against mine and we listened as the bathroom door locked, the sound of running water following soon after. Moving his hand he squeezed it underneath me, resting his arm under my hips while I wrapped my leg around him and he pressed himself against me again, grinning after a small gasp got the better of me as he deepened the kiss, repeating his movements as my nails dragged down his back and I pulled away from the kiss, turning my head away from him as I tried to catch my breath, my face burning red causing him to laugh quietly

"Is Amelia Black getting shy?"

Shut up

"Oh absolutley not" he scoffed quietly, a grin crossing my face as I turned my head and looked at him as he stared at me amused and I pushed his face away with a laugh as he laid back down beside me, pulling my back to his chest as I turned myself over, my arms wrapped tightly back around him as I buried my head into the crook oh his neck causing him to laugh quietly

"Oh, poor baby missed me, hm?"

"Maybe" I managed to mumble quietly, my throat burning as the words left me while pressing a kiss to his exposed skin, feeling him move himself back and tilt my head upwards as he stared at me dumbfounded

"Did I hear you there?"


"So you're talking and you admitted you missed me? Are you sure I'm not dreaming right now?" He asked ludicrously, a stupid grin on his face as I smiled at him before he pressed his lips frantically to mine again, his fingers knotting gently in my hair as he kept my head tilted at an angle

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