|Chapter 12 : Relaxation|

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"I don't understand as to how you guys can party and drink so much" I mumbled to Pansy and Daphne after they had bounded into the dorm together, both clearly drunk

"We can because we aren't boring like you"

"Wow, thanks Pansy"

"Come with us!"


"Lia, it's a party filled with drinking and everything except wisdom"



"Because I need to study"

"Come on, just have a night with your mates-"

"It's totally a Saturday so come with everybody-"

"All the alcohol you want and every guy there is a hottie-"

"Go back up to the common room"


"What Daphne? What?!" I snapped as I turned around and stared at her, my arms on fire with open cuts along my skin, barely enough plasters to cover them all as I stared between the two who had a bottle limp in their hands

"Don't get angry with us-"

"I won't get angry if I'm just left in peace!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you today?!"

"I've got tests to prepare for that are at O.W.L level yet I don't have the fucking peace and quiet I need to study!" I shouted at her as I turned and grabbed my books, barging past her as I left the common room and dodged people in the corridors.
Slamming the changing room door behind me I groaned as I dropped my books onto the bench and kicked the wall out of anger before dropping down onto the bench with my head in my hands

"What's got you worked up?"

"This is the Slytherin changing room"

"I know, but I needed to wash my hands and the tap in our changing room isn't working right now so I just came in here because I figured it would be empty. But then-"

"I walked in-"

"It was certainly a very angry walk then" Cedric mumbled as I looked up at him as he leant against the wall with an amused look as I picked my books up and hugged them to my chest

"What's up?"

"I need to revise"


"Monday's Transfiguration and Charms test"

"So you're down here?"

"It's quiet down here"

"And it's not in your common room?" He asked as I scoffed, glancing at my books before standing up as I wandered over and hit my head against him

"Okay then"

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