|Chapter 91 : Minor Stalking|

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"I'm sorry"

"Don't apologise, I understand that you were agitated"

"But I was being-"

"Don't finish that. I was pushing the question and had gone too far"

"No, I-"

"Quiet Amelia"

"No. I have freedom of speech-"

"Not right now you don't"

"Cedric" I sighed quietly, mumbling as I looked up at him and he smiled at me and I gently bumped my head on his shoulder, listening to him start to laugh as a smile crossed my face

"You know.... you can't control my rights"

"Well, actually-"

"Okay, no"

"I know, I know. I would never"

"Lying cunt"

"You don't mean that"

"Do I not?"

"Do you?"

"I do"


"Well when were you going to tell me about Cho?" I asked while looking up, stepping away from the hug as he looked at me, rubbing the back of his neck with a quiet sigh while glancing away for a couple of moments and looking back, slightly pink in the face

"I was going to"

"We're in the same boat now, aren't we Diggory?"

"Okay, fair.... but at least you know who Cho is"

"You know who Theodore is" I told him as he gave me a look, keeping eye contact before sighing

"Be quiet"

"Absolutely not. Anyway, I have to run. But I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Obviously" giving a smile back I turned and left the courtyard, making my way to the library as I happily slipped in. Wandering straight to the back I seeked out my usual lonely two seater couch. Turning the corner into the aisle I stopped and stared at Draco as he flicked aimlessly through the book he had open before turning and looking at me, shutting the book instantly as I made a move to turn around and walk away

"Amelia, don't"

"And why not?" I asked back quietly as I turned back to him and we faced each other, the book under his hand as I watched him tap his finger against the cover

"What pathetic excuse are you going to use to defend yourself now?"


"Well then I know you're not going to apologise either"


"I fucking knew it"


"I don't even know why I bother at points. I hope you know that" I muttered before going past him and stepping up on the chair, squinting at the books on the shelf as he wandered over beside me and I glanced down momentarily before turning away again

"You really pissed me off you know"

"I know"

"You don't"

"I do-"

"No you don't. Just because I said it doesn't mean you understand. That was a shitty move Malfoy" I told him before starting to pull a book out and climbing down, claiming a seat on the couch as I opened it and started flicking through it. Glancing up a couple of moments later I sighed while looking at him, still standing there, a slightly awkward look to him as I raised my eyebrows

"What're you doing?"

"I don't know yet"

"Are you getting a book?"


"Then why are you in the library?"

"Because I knew you'd be in here at one point or another"

"So.... you've came to stalk me?"

"I- no. Not necessarily. I was just needing to-"

"How long have you been waiting for me to come along?" I asked, raising my eyebrows while looking at him as he glanced away for a couple of moments before shrugging slightly, casting me a side glance as I sighed and looked back down at my book

"I don't actually want to know"

"What're we going to-?"

"Pretend like nothing happened. Go back to normal"


"But I swear to fuck Malfoy. Pull a stunt like that again and I'll hex you into the next century"

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