|Chapter 196 : Little Reconnections|

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"Is that Amelia Black?!"

Hello Mr Diggory

"Oh it's so good to see you again!" Amos called loudly, a grin spread wide on his face after me and Cedric had gone into the champions tent, the hug that greeted me knocking the air from my lungs as my eyes widened slightly and I struggled to move my arms to hug him back

"I- dad, remember to ease up a little please" Cedric urged quietly as he stepped back a moment later with his hands clamped down tightly on my shoulders, a grin spreading ear to ear as I laughed at him

"It so so good to see you!"

It's good to see you too Amos

"And how have you been? Is everything going okay for you?"

It's going great... really great. But how have you been?

"Oh I've been as good as always Amelia. Just cheering Cedric on from the sidelines" he told me with a laugh before moving away, his hand landing heavily on Cedric's shoulder to shake him happily as he lost his footing slightly and I laughed at him before he slipped away and tugged his jumper off before pulling on his yellow and black top

Looking dazzling Cedric

"Effortless, what can I say?" He shrugged, grinning before slipping into a little side room to finish getting dressed as I turned to Amos amused

I think this competition has made him less humble about himself

"Maybe a little" he agreed quietly after he'd walked back out and gave us a little twirl as he dropped himself down onto one of the four beds and we wandered over as his dad took the chair and I sat next to him on the bed

"Are you getting married Cedric?"

"I'm sorry?"

"The ring" his dad laughed as Cedric turned his head to me grinning before extending his hand out towards his father

"Lia proposed to me. Our ceremony is after the task"

"And Amelia you didn't invite me?"

Sorry, Amos. It was a spur of the moment thing

Sitting with a grin we laughed with each other while people started coming into the tent, Fleur and her parents as her eyes widened when seeing me, a smile wide on her face as she gave me an ecstatic wave as Viktor came in behind her with Karkaroff, his hand clapping my shoulder gently in acknowledgment when he'd passed as I sat with a smile, listening amused as Cedric and his dad spoke to each other. Turning my head when the top of the tent moved again I lifted my head, swapping smiles with Harry as he gave a small nod my way before heading over to the last bed in the corner. Standing up a moment later I'd wandered over to him and took the space next to him as he turned his head and I looked at his shirt and trousers amused

Your clothes look a little big

"Do you know what's worse? This is them after I tried to get them stitched smaller" he told me quietly as I let out a laugh, looking at how baggy they were against him as he gave me a smile

How do you feel?


You'll be fine

"Will I?"

I mean, at least you know you won't have to be up against a dragon again

"Yeah I suppose... but I still don't know what it'll be that's waiting out there"

What could be worse than a dragon?

"Two dragons?"

Yeah... you've got a good point

Nodding slowly and pulling a face we glanced at each other before starting to laugh as I sat up straighter and shook my head at him before turning around to look at him

Genuinely though... I think you're going to be just fine

"I hope so. But how are you?"

Me? Oh yes I'm good thank you. Definitely better

"I'm glad... Hermione kept us updated when she'd go visit... I hope you don't mind that we were asking for you"

Oh Harry of course I don't mind, I appreciate you asking

"I bet you're glad to be out of the hospital wing"

It was the best day of my life. I pray to Merlin I never have to go in there again

"I'm not surprised... I've also never saw professor Flitwick so happy to see someone before"

Oh my god bless him... the way he gave a little jump when he saw me. Professor McGonogall too, her smile just melted my heart

"Me and Dean had a bet going for Snape's reaction"


"I won" he mumbled quietly as I gave him a shove with a grin before looking down at his watch and giving a small sigh

I best get going, I'll try make a chance to see you after the match though

"Thanks Lia, I'll see you in a bit" he nodded with a smile as I nodded back to him before patting his back gently as I stood up and wandered back over to Cedric as he turned his head to me smiling

"Is that you abandoning us?"

I'm sorry Ced, needs must

"You better not be leaving me for the blond one" he told me, eyebrows raised while he stood up to bring me into a hug while I stayed quiet, a grin on my face while hugging him tight before he stepped back to look at me with a scoff

"You're unbelievable"

I love you too Cedric

"I'm not so sure it's me you love anymore"

Oh stop it you, I'll see you soon. Good luck

"I'll see you soon Lia"

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