|Chapter 129 : Bruised Truths|

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As she walked into the dorm Pansy, Daphne and Millicent instantly stopped talking, casting a glance to Amelia as she looked at them momentarily before walking forwards and grabbing her quidditch jumper from her wardrobe as she slipped it over her head and pulled it down as she rummaged through her drawers, searching about to see if she had any dittany left hiding about

"What happened?"


"Your eye, what happened?" Daphne asked quietly as she motioned to her own as Amelia turned her head slightly and glanced at her as the three girls stared at the dark bruising under her eye before she turned away from them again.

"Quidditch" Amelia muttered quietly before closing the drawer as she looked through her wardrobe

"How did that happen in quidditch?" Millicent asked with slightly furrowed brows and a small look of worry in her eyes as Amelia quickly thought of excuses on the spot

"Hit by a bludger" she told them quietly before giving up her search as she shut her wardrobe doors and headed towards the dorm door

"Amelia- wait, where are you going?"

"The pitch" she said without turning around as she left the dorm, quickly heading up the stairs and out of the common room as she walked through corridors with her arms crossed over her chest, quickly getting sidetracked as an arm wrapped around her and walked her off course. Back in the dorm the three girls sat with confused looks as they glanced at each other, Daphne finally speaking up

"There's no chance... they'd make sure she wasn't hit by a bludger" she said quietly as Pansy got off the bed and walked towards the door

"I've had enough of this"

"Pansy, where are you going?" Daphne asked her before following suit and getting off the bed as she followed her out of the dorm, Millicent deciding not to follow as she left the dorm and headed for the pitch.

"To find out what they know" Pansy said to her over her shoulder as she followed her down the stairs to the boys dorm and watched as Pansy banged the door open, Blaise and Draco instantly looking up out of surprise and shock as they stared wide eyed at the two girls, Pansy with a determined look as Daphne shut the door before turning to the two

"Can we help you?"

"Has she been speaking to you? Amelia. At all?"

"Not once, she hasn't even looked at us, well whenever she has she's just sent us a dirty look. She's just avoiding us. Has she spoken to you three?" Blaise said as Draco nodded in agreement while Daphne nodded while Pansy spoke with a hint of disbelief to her voice

"For the first time in weeks and it was only eight words. Eight"

"It's more than what we've got-"

"What the hell happened? To her face? Because there was no way that was a bludger"

"It couldn't have of been, she rarely goes to practice anymore"

"There isn't even a season this year why are you guys practicing? And if it wasn't practice then what was it?"

"How are we meant to know-?"

"Don't give us that shit we know fine damn well that you two do know what's going on- tell us" Pansy said determinedly as she stared between Blaise and Draco with a stoney look as the two boys cast a glance to each other

"You guys don't need to know necessarily-"

"Don't you fucking dare try to keep this from us Malfoy, she's our friend just as much as she is yours" Pansy said to him with a forcefulness to her voice as they sent a look to each other again before Blaise gave a small nod

"Just about two weeks ago she attacked the two of us and she hasn't spoken to us since-"

"Jesus Christ, that's not Lia-"

"We know-"

"What about the bruises?"



"It's him that's been doing it to her" Blaise told the two of them quietly as they stared dead at him before looking between the two with dropped jaws and looks of disbelief and shock on their faces

"She didn't want you three knowing-"

"You bastard! You fucking kept that from us?! For how fucking long Zabini?! How fucking long have you known?!" Pansy screamed at him as she tried to lunge at him but stopped as Daphne held her back, surprised by the grip she had while Pansy still continued to try and lunge at the two

"Don't think we haven't done anything Parkinson because we bloody have!" Draco shouted at her as she stopped screaming at them and fell quiet as she looked at him with pursed lips

"This needs. To. End" she said to them before getting out of Daphne's grip as she stormed out of the dorm and down the stairs as she started to batter on another dorm door while Daphne turned to the two

"Why didn't you tell us when you found out?"

"Because she didn't want anybody to know: she feels ashamed of herself for letting that happen to her, Daphne" Draco and Blaise explained to her as she looked down at the floor and watched out of the corner of her eye as Pansy stormed up the stairwell

"It's mainly our fault though-"

"What? No it's not, how could you even think that?"

"Because it's true- we never paid attention to what was going on. We should've been better people and asked how she was-"

"Daphne!" Pansy's voice screamed from the stairwell as she quickly walked out of the dorm, almost running head first into the girl as she grabbed her arms with a frantic look

"What's wrong?-"

"She's gone. Millicent went after her and she isn't there" she told her quickly with wide eyes


"She's just came back and told me-" Pansy started to tell her but stopped as her hand was grabbed and Daphne dragged her up the stairs as the two boys followed after them

"Come on then!-"

"Wait for us!"

"You two are staying here in case she comes back here-"

"It's unlikely she will, we're looking for her too" Blaise told Pansy with a pointed look as the two stared at each other while Daphne threw a worried look at Draco

"You two can stay here and bicker for as long as you want but me and Draco are going and looking for her before Nott gets to her" Daphne said to the two before grabbing his arm as she dragged him out of the common room as they sped through the halls with the other two behind them

"You know, if you let go I'll be faster"

"Oh sorry, you two are going one way while we go the other. Split off if you feel like it's necessary" she told them after letting go of his arm as the two groups went in different directions, searching the castle top to bottom.

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