|Chapter 179 : Birthday Abuse|

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"Happy birthday!"

"Keep it down!" I heard Nathan laugh from downstairs before thanking them, the team having just toppled in through his front door very loudly as a smile grew on my face and I heard everybody moving about on the floor below as I pushed myself up yawning. Quickly changing and grabbing the blanket from the bottom of the bed I pulled it on over me and grabbed his gifts from the corner too as I made my way out, shutting the door behind me. Heading into the kitchen I sat his gifts on the table next to the others before heading into the living room, being greeted with a high scream as I was tackled brutally into a hug, stumbling back a few paces as my shoulders collided with the wall

"Ali! Be careful!"

"But Nathan, look!" Pulling me away from the wall he turned me towards the others, still in a tight hug with my back against him I waved to Jason, Jayden and Adam, getting wide smiles in return as I was pulled away from Ali and into a larger group hug causing me to stand stock still in between them all, scared to accidentally stand on someone's foot

"Ironically Ali, I know that Amelia is here" he told him laughing as we finally moved apart and I sat down on his couch with the blanket wrapped tightly around me, Adam instantly taking the seat next to me and pulling me against him before mumbling quietly to me in my ear

"I'm sorry for not coming back that day, Lia. I just didn't want to get rude and dismissive with you, I know it's not justifiable but I just didn't want to upset you" he explained to me quietly as I turned my head and gave him a smile before waving him off and hugging him back tightly, his head against mine with a quiet sigh as I glanced between everyone

"So, Dalmer... what're the plans?"

"I personally think we should all go get drunk in town-"

"Jason, since when were you called 'Dalmer'?"

"Since now"

"You wish we shared a last name. But I do second that suggestion" he shrugged, an amused grin before he leaned around Adam to look at me

"Lia? Are you up for-? Jayden... why the fuck are you touching my feet?"

"I'm not..."

"You are! Get away you actual kretin" Nathan laughed, aiming a kick from where Jayden sat on the floor in front of him as he rolled away out of reach, a grin on my face as Nathan turned back to look at me

"As I was saying: are you up for joining us?"

As long as Jayden doesn't try to touch my feet

"I wasn't touching his feet!"


A little while later we all sat together is a bustling little pub, the number of empty glasses growing on the table as everybody's speech started to slowly become more slurred as I sat with Adam and Jason, talking with them about the most random of things as Nathan and Ali started to arm wrestle from the other side of the table

"So but- like- what if- hear me out-"

"I'm trying to hear you out but you can't form an actual sentence"

"Pissy off four eyes"

"At least I can see better than-"

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