|Chapter 25 : Dumb Questions|

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Walking into Arithmacy I didn't even glance in the direction of the usual table of three a row back but instead stood behind one of the spare seats beside Dean

"Do you mind?"

"Huh? Oh, no, feel free" he laughed as I sat down beside him with a smile, the seat beside me still free as I started pulling my books out

"So how've you been then?"

"Better, that's for sure. You?"

"So and so, verging towards better than worse I suppose"

"Lucky you" I laughed as he looked at me with a grin while I slipped my robe off

"I completely forgot to ask but how come you chose this subject?"

"I'm not going to lie, I picked at random and hoped for the best" he told me as I started laughing and nodded as the seat next to me was taken and I turned, just as Hermione sat down next to me

"You look ecstatic"

"Thank you for noticing" she muttered as I smiled at her and she turned to me

"Why're you here?"


"That came out wrong-"

"Well I'd hope that wasn't the way you wanted to say it" I said to her with a smile as she looked at me amused

"So? Are you going to tell me?"

"Don't forget I'm here, I want to know too"

"Wow, this feels like a strange story time for kids. Well, I got into a little spat-"

"With Malfoy?"



"Wow Dean-"



"I thought you two had some sort of really strong bond-"

"I thought so too. Anyway, he was basically telling me that I needed to go to sleep and to take a break from my work. But I wasn't going to until I had finished it because it was due for the next day and then we had a little bicker and he eventually shouted at me, me getting annoyed I stormed down to my dorm and he came in a minute later and started shouting again and we haven't spoken since- keep in mind this was about a week or so ago. And what bothers me even more is that since I didn't get my work in on time I ended up getting held back and I just narrowly avoided getting a detention" I explained to them as we were set work to do and I pulled out another book and started flicking through it

"I wasn't expecting that"

"Neither, I thought he would've called you something like a murderer" she mumbled as I let out a quiet laugh

"As much as he changed in that moment he didn't change into Weasley, Hermione"

"You should've heard it last night"

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