|Chapter 83 : Simple Brutal Lies|

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"I'll see you tomorrow"

"Night Amelia" giving a smile to Viktor I watched him disappear while I wandered over to Pansy and Daphne who were sitting on the couch in the common room, a few people dotted around

"You were never taught that?"


"So your father would let you wander off to a complete stranger and risk you being stolen?"

"Daphne, the difference between me and you is that you're loved-"

"Pansy. Stop. You don't say those things: I do" I told her as I sat down in front of the two of them, crossing my legs while trying to pick the dirt out from under my nails

"What were you taught then?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I was taught to not go near strangers-"

"And I was taught to scream 'fire' instead of 'help' because more people are likely to go to a fire than to someone in need"

"Love that...."

"What were you taught?"

"That you can't bring people back from the dead"


"You can still love them when they're dead though"

"Daphne.... I'm pretty sure that's called being a necrophiliac-"


"She's not wrong though"

"Fucking hell" Daphne muttered, rubbing her face while looking between the two of us exasperatedly as me and Pansy glanced at each other, swapping amused grins while I wiped at my eyes tiredly

"What happened?"


"Your fingers. They're bruised"

"Oh, I know"

"So what happened?"

"Can I see?"

"No. And it was quidditch"

"How the fuck did quidditch do that?"

"Quidditch does a lot of things. A lot of it is caused by the simple brutality of the game"

"You can't just blame every single scrape and bruise on quidditch"

"What do you mean 'blame it on?' It was quidditch"

"I didn't say it wasn't-"

"No but the way you said it was as if you were saying that I always use quidditch as an excuse for my cuts and bruises"

"Well.... you do-"

"No, I don't-"

"Can you two stop? I can't be bothered listening to the two of you bicker away-"

"Pansy, back off. And Daphne, if it ever is something other than quidditch I say what it actually is"

"No you don't-"

"Fine. If you're really that desperate to know what happened: my fingers were actually-"

"Amelia?" Lifting my head the two turned around as I stared past them and to Theodore who had appeared at the top of the boy dorm stairs as I turned away, Pansy and Daphne turning back around

"Can we talk?"

"Has something happened?" Pansy asked quietly, leaning forward slightly as she kept her voice low and I glanced towards her and shook my head ever so slightly



"It's fine, honestly-"

"Amelia? Can you answer me?"

"What was it?"

"Nothing more than just a little spat"

"Who caused it?"

"Me apparently. Just because I hadn't-"

"Amelia!" Jumping slightly I whipped my head around to Nott who had appeared closer, a couple of feet away from the couch as he stared at me, his chest heaving slightly as I blinked quickly, Pansy turning around to him

"And what the fuck is your problem? That's not how you talk to someone to get their attention. Ever heard of manners?"

"Don't talk to me like that Parkinson-"

"Don't you dare address her by her surname or talk to her like that-"

"I won't address them by their surnames if you sit down and talk with me" he said to me as I turned back to him and kept eye contact for a moment or so before he glanced to the other two

"You two can disappear"

"I don't want to be in your presence any longer anyway you arrogant pig" Pansy spat at him before pushing herself up and walking off down to the dorm as Daphne got up with a sigh, following her as I pushed myself up, brushing myself down and making a move to go around him as my arm was grabbed

"Where are you going?"

"To my dorm"

"I said that I'm needing to talk to you-"

"What have you possibly got to say to me Nott? You hit my head against the compartment door, making my nose bleed. And you also jammed my fingers in the transfiguration classroom door-"

"That's because you deserved it"

"How did I deserve it?!"

"You raised your hand and you smacked me"

"You were the one that fucking deserved it. I was defending myself you dumb pig" I spat, wrenching my arm away from him and disappearing to my dorm, feeling his eyes on me the whole way.

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