|Chapter 36 : Better News|

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Staring, appalled, I didn't even bother trying to catch the quaffle as it soared past me and fell to the bottom of the pitch while I stared at the score board.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" I cursed quietly while we flew to the ground, the whole of the stands cheering after having taken a moment to register what had happened as I walked with the rest of the team into the changing room as I shut the door and slumped against it

"A tie? A fucking tie?"

"In all fairness, at least we didn't lose-"

"Tying is just as bad-"

"It's not-"

"It's not"

"I disagree by saying it is-"

"I hate to say it but I agree with Miles by saying at least we didn't lose" I muttered as we looked around at each other, a smile growing nevertheless as we all simultaneously started laughing

"What's wrong with us?"

"Us? More like you-"

"Fuck you Pucey you little shit"


"Your face and language will be the only colourful thing in here after I shove your broom up your arse" I told him, eyebrows raised as we stared at each other, the whole room bursting into loud laughter as I joined in, a grin growing on his face and I walked over

"That came out wrong-"

"Don't correct yourself Amelia, he's into that sort of shit"

"We'll see who's into it Bletchley" Adrian said to him as I continued laughing, it getting louder when I saw them run at and straight into each other making me sink down onto the bench, shaking with laughter while they helped each other up off of the floor.

Leaving awhile later as a group I walked at the back with a grin, the rest of the school having already headed up as I caught up to Draco's side

"No more games until next year"

"I know"

"Do you think we'll still have to practice?" I asked quietly as he stared ahead, watching Flint walk up the hill laughing before looking back to me


"Are you sure?"

"Even if we do, I won't be going-"


"Don't you fucking dare!" Watching everybody turn around and stop in front of me I continued walking before pausing with a sigh and turning around, a grin instantly starting to grow as I looked at Oscar who was getting chased up the hill by Nathan while Draco turned his head to me, a confused look on his face

"What's this about?"

"I don't have a clue-"



"Guess who's-?!"

"Silenco!" Laughing loudly I watched Nathan get closer, pocketing his wand as Oscar tried to shout, no noise whatsoever as he was pushed out of the way and I looked at Nathan who stood there with the biggest grin on his face and his quidditch robes covered in mud

"He really can't keep his mouth shut. I told him I was going to tell you"

"Tell me what?"

"Guess what"

"I- Nathan- what?"

"No, no, come on. Guess"

"I don't know..."

"Guess.... who's.... in.... the.... final....for.... the-"

"No fucking way!" I shouted laughing as his grin grew even more and he nodded ecstatically as I was brought into a tight hug

"Ireland better fucking win"

"Of course we fucking will" he told me laughing as I stepped back, the front of my clothes slightly covered in mud as I shrugged it off and grinned at him before jumping on his back while he looked to the team, his comment making loud cheers fly around

"Tickets are on the fucking house!"

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