|Chapter 43 : Just Left There|

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"I've already said I'll owl you all"

"I know but I'm picky"

"I think paranoid is more the word" I told Pansy quietly while pushing her down the train, halfway through the trip as we continued our hunt while heading back to our compartment, a grin growing as I stuck my middle finger up at Adrian and Miles on the way past as I turned my head to Daphne

"You allowed to come around?"

"Probably. I mean, whether I am or not I still will"

"Oh wow I love you"

"What about the other two?"

"Blaise sort of invited himself around anyway. He's done that before. And Draco said it depends on how he feels on the day-"

"Wait, Amelia?"


"What about Astra?"

"What about her?"

"Where is she? How is she getting back to your house?"

"Nadia brought her home a few days ago" I shrugged, wanting to change the conversation as we made it back to the compartment and I dropped down next to the other two with a sigh, trying to hide my yawn.

"I can't believe you're tired"

"Fuck you, I'm not tired. I'm exhausted"

"So what's happening with your classes next year?"

"I'm moving back. It's all going back to normal-"

"Oh thank fuck! I need help in Transfiguration-"


"History Of Magic-"



"You can go and fuck yourself" I told Pansy, Daphne and Blaise as they all started laughing and I looked between them unamused

"I'm being serious. You're going to need to take a control of your own learning"

"You love us. You'll still help us"

"Shut up" I muttered to Daphne, rubbing my head as a smile started growing and I dropped my head against the window

"I still can't believe it about Lupin though"

"Snape really shouldn't have of blurted it out like that-"

"I'm happy he did"

"How else were we to know?"

"Well maybe if you weren't all oblivious cunts you might've realised" I murmured as I closed my eyes, trying my best not to smile, finally letting it get the better of me as I laughed to myself, the compartment dorm snapping open as I looked at Oscar who was standing there breathless, a grin on his face while I let out a groan

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