|Chapter 37 : Changing|

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"And where did he come from?"

"I'm not exactly sure. He just sort of came with us and we let him in. He didn't want to celebrate with Nadia-"

"I don't blame him-"


"I don't either to be perfectly honest" I muttered to Pansy and Daphne as I smiled at Nathan, waving to him as he eventually left the emptying common room while I sat my empty bottle of firewhisky down onto the floor and tried to hide my yawn while the two stood up

"Well, we feel like it's our duty to go and annoy Blaise"


"Kick him for me please"

"You aren't coming over?"

"No, I'm just going to head down to the dorm and see if I can get to sleep" I told the two as they nodded and wandered off as I rubbed my face before getting to my feet and wandering over to and down the dorm steps before stopping surprised when I seen Theodore leaning against my dorm door

"Are you alright?"


"I was just asking.... can I go into my dorm?"


"Why not?"

"Because I'm needing to talk to you"

"Theodore, not right now, honestly. I'm too tired. I'll talk in the morning" I told him quietly, rubbing my head again as I made a move to step  past him as he moved in front of me, blocking me from going into the dorm as I groaned and stepped back

"Theodore, move-"

"I already said no-"

"Oh my god! Why are you in such a mood lately?! Whenever I see you you always seem to be in a huff or a grump of some sort"

"Oh just shut the fuck up for once Black" he spat as I stared at him, slightly appalled as I gritted my teeth and glared at him

"Don't you fucking dare say that to me you little shit"

"Don't call me that. Don't call me a little shit" he said to me as he stepped towards me and I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do it about it?" I asked as I took a step towards him as well, a pounding feeling starting to grow in my head as I tried to push it aside, not backing down in the slightest as we stared at each other and he kept silent, glaring at me before I let out a scoff

"Oh just fucking grow a pair" I told him, jabbing him in the chest before I moved him aside, making a move to open my dorm door as he let out a shout. Getting grabbed tightly I was slammed face first into the stone wall, my shout of pain drowned by the music coming from the common room as my skin started to sting

"I said don't fucking call me that!"

"What the fuck Theodore? Get fucking off of me!" I said loudly as I was brought back from the wall, getting shoved against it again as pain raked through my body before I shoved his hands off of me and ran into my dorm, snapping the door shut tightly as I backed up in fright. Bringing my hand to my face I swiped at my skin before going into the bathroom and staring at the crimson red blood that was running from a cut under my eye.

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