|Chapter 8 : Not My Boyfriend|

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"No- no- no- don't say that. You are a sweetheart. You are a harmless cookie and-"

"Shut up"

"And you've gone pink" I pointed out amused as I poked his cheek with a grin as I leant against the wall

"A harmless cinnamon roll"

"First and second year-"

"And this years insults. Still a cinnamon roll"

"Malfoy's are not Cinammon rolls"

"This one is"


"I beg to differ"

"Well then beg"

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing" Draco mumbled hastily as I stood with a smile, both of our speech slurred as people slowly started disappearing to their dorms and Blaise sprinted towards us and I jumped towards Draco as Blaise ran into the wall and I started laughing as he turned towards me and my smile started dropping at the look on his face as I raised an eyebrow at him



"Yes?" I asked expectantly as Blaise stared at me for a moment longer before nodding to Draco as I turned my head confused, looking at his pink face as I glanced to my hands, letting out a noise of realisation as I instantly drew my hands away from his chest and took a step back as my face turned red and we looked away from each other instantly as I stood there awkwardly until a glass was pressed into my hand and I glanced back up to them both to find Draco gone as Blaise met my eyes before wandering over and pulling me into a hug as I mumbled quietly, taking a drink before going up and kissing his cheek as he started laughing and I finished my drink

"Thanks for that Lia"

"No problem honey-"

"Is that who you're dating?!" Turning my head to Adrian with a grin I shook my head laughing

"I wish it was" I told him laughing as both he and Blaise joined in as I was spun around quickly, the two of us laughing as I caught sight of Theodore in the corner of the room, staring at the two of us, his face half concealed from some of the shadows in the room and I looked away with a grin as Blaise stopped and I kissed his hand

"Thank you darling"

"No problem my love"

"Oh come on! You two have to be dating-"

"We're not!" We said to Miles at the same time as my arms were grabbed and I turned around, still grinning as Pansy stared at me expectantly while shaking my arms

"Let us see it!"

"What? No"

"Yes! Come on!"

"No! It's covered by a plaster anyway" I laughed as I was grabbed, getting shoved onto the table as I was held down by Miles and Blaise as Pansy rolled up the leg of my jeans as I tilted my head back and looked at Adrian who was watching amused as people started looking over from different parts of the common room

"Don't worry about it, I'm a doctor"

"No you're not-"

"Three! Two! One!" She shouted before ripping it off as I shouted out and she started laughing as the other two glanced towards it and I shook my head amused as I too looked at the freshly healing cut surrounded by bruising which was pretty much black as I was let go of and I sat up, rubbing the bottom of my back with a laugh

"Thanks for that"

"No problem hun, does it hurt?"

"I mean, it didn't when the plaster was on it but it does now" I laughed as I got up off the table, a mess of empty bottles and cups on the floor as I shrugged, my head getting grabbed as I was spun around and I looked at Pansy as she kissed my forehead

"Again, thanks for that"

"I love you Lia"

"I love you too" I told her as I pulled her into a hug, the two of us trying to hug the life out of each other and I squeaked before we stepped back and I breathed out before rolling my trouser leg down carefully and I was hugged from behind as I looked at Blaise with a grin

"You know. Seeing as we're drunk we could get away with doing some dumb shit" he mumbled as I crossed my arms over his and leant my head back to look at him

"What do you mean doing? I am dumb shit"

"Me too"

"...Blaise, as much as I love you I'm not going to do you, okay? I want to keep my virginity, thank you very much" I told him quietly as we stared at each other before we both started laughing and I shook my head before moving away from him as I wandered over to a couch, watching as Pansy stumbled down to the dorm and I sat down next to Draco who had reappeared as I passed him a glass and filled his as well as mine as Blaise disappeared too and I looked at him

"So where did you disappear off to then?"

"I just needed to try and find something. You?"

"I stayed in here" I told him laughing as he sat with a grin and I continued pouring more into our glasses as I leant my head on his shoulder with a quiet hum

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