| Chapter 126 : Encounters|

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Walking down the stairs I pushed my hair out of my face as I stopped in my tracks, staring down the corridor where I could see Cedric walking in the opposite direction as I stood still, waiting until he was out of sight before walking down and the other way to make sure I didn't cross paths with him. Looking down, I stared at my bruised fingers as I spotted blood under my nails as I tried to pick it off, stopping quickly as I shook my hands in pain as I started walking down the corridor again with  my head down as I tried to avoid looking at or making eye contact with anyone


"-Black" feeling a hand land on each shoulder I jumped as my hand darted for my wand and I turned around, shrugging them off before taking two steps back as I stared between the twins with my wand in hand

"We're not going to-"

"What do you want?" I cut across Fred as I tried to keep the cold look on my face as I felt my hands start to tremble slightly

"We're just wanting to talk, Amelia-" 

"Yes well I'm not, so leave me alone-"

"Amelia, we're needing to talk"

"Quite frankly, Weasley, we don't need to do anything" I told them as I turned around and started walking away again while I felt my hair started to fall into my face as I tried to push it away, realising just how weak and fragile it had became as they appeared on either side of me and I felt my heart rate pick up as my eyes glanced around swiftly, looking at all possible exits within sight

"Bloody leave me alone"

"Not until we get to talk"

"What do you not get about me not wanting to talk to you both?"

"We don't listen to people Amelia-"

"Yeah no fucking shit-"

"What's happening? Why are you acting like this? This isn't you"

"'Isn't me? Isn't me?' You don't know me. You've never properly known me so don't pretend like you have" I spat as I picked my pace up as a hand landed on my shoulder again as I tried to stop myself from flinching while I was turned around and I gripped my wand as I went to push them off while his grip tightened and I winced in pain

"What's wrong?"

"Let go of me"

"No, Amelia. We're needing to-" Fred started to say but I cut him off as I flicked my wand, watching as he stumbled backwards with a look of pain as I rubbed at my shoulder and pointed my wand between them

"What's this all about? You don't hex people for no reason Amelia-"

"Stop pretending like you know me! You never have and you never will- so just fucking back off and run back to the hole you crawled out of" I spat as I brought my wand swishing upwards, both of them tumbling backwards as their heads banged together and I staggered back, staring at the two who had a line of blood running down their heads as I turned around and left as quick as I could, running as best as I could down to the lake as I dumped myself down onto the log as I threw my wand to the ground as I started shouting, watching as the bush it had bounced off of burst into flames as I tugged at my hair, my feet bouncing quickly off of the ground as I bit at the skin on my lips. Feeling a hand rest on my back I jumped to my feet as my wand flew into my hand and I whipped around with it raised, staring wide eyed at Hermione who stood there with her hands raised

"Lower your wand Amelia"

"What do you want?"

"I just want to make sure you're okay"

"I'm fine, you've asked your question now you can go" I told her before turning around and walking away, struggling over the stones as I tucked my wand away and started distancing myself as best and as quick as I could


"Leave me alone-"


"Back off-"

"Amelia Fern Black you stop walking away from me and you listen!" She shouted as I flinched at how loud her voice had gotten, clamping my eyes shut before opening them after a moment, not realising I had stopped in my tracks as I turned my head around and looked at her

"Why are you acting like this? This isn't-"

"Don't you dare try and tell me that this isn't me Hermione because you don't know who I am, you don't know why I do what I do and you don't know what I've done-"

"So then explain. Tell me who you are, tell me why you do what do you do and what you've done. Let me help-"

"You can't"

"Help? Yes I can-"

"No, you can't"


"Stop trying! Please!" I begged loudly as I wiped at my eyes and stared back at her

"Don't try and help or make assumptions without understanding my reasons for my choices"

"I'm not going to make assumptions-"

"But you are! Everybody is!"

"And for good reason Amelia! Look at you! How in the name of Merlin are you standing?!"


"Tell me what's going on. Or I'll go to McGonagall"

"That threat doesn't scare me-"

"I'm not threatening. I'm warning"

"McGonagall can't do anything. The only person that can is me"

"So why aren't you doing anything?"

"Because- I.... Because I- I can't..."

"Then let me"

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