|Chapter 125 : Truth or Dare|

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"Amelia! Truth or dare?"

"Truth" I said to Draco after a brief pause as I stopped at the top of the stairwell and looked at him, waiting as he sat on the sofa with a thoughtful look, Blaise, Pansy and Daphne next to him, apart from them only a couple of first and second years were scattered around the room

"Why don't you spend time with us anymore?" He asked after awhile as we looked at each other, a curious and confused look on his face while I narrowed my eyes slightly

"What, Malfoy? You miss me?"

"You're quite alright. But you have to answer"

"Let's say... I've found better friends"

"... Can understand that!" He sighed as I stared at him, the others looking away as I felt a slight pain in my chest at the reactions as I started walking away again, stopped in my tracks by him a moment later

"Better friends?"



"Why? Why does it matter? Why do you need to know?"

"I'm just simply wondering, because the only person we've seen you with this past while is Nott, and only him. But you said 'friends' which is plural so I want to know who the others are"

"You don't need to know-"

"But I want to know"

"What you want you won't get, that's the way it is although as a spoilt only child I doubt you would understand that" I said to him, almost sounding like an accusation as he turned his head to look at me, silent as he turned away after a minute, nodding to himself

"You have a point" he murmured quietly as I turned around after a split moment of looking at the back of his head and started walking again, going to pick up the books I was taking back to the library

"What about Diggory?" Not even realising I had stopped I stayed still, turning my head around slowly as he stared at me, having got to his feet as I turned back, picking them up as I started walking towards the archway



"You bloody answer me!" He shouted, his voice ringing in my ears as I stopped, clutching the books tightly to my chest as I turned to look at him after a split second as he stood in front of me and we stared at each other completely silent for a few moments before I shook my head tentatively, turning around and vanishing from the common room. Glancing over my shoulder I watched as he followed after me and I tried to pick up my pace, quickly rounding a corner as I was shoved up against the wall as I flinched while I almost lost grip of my books as my whole body started shaking and I looked up, staring at Draco as he stood a foot in front of me, anger evident on his face

"Get away-"

"No! I want you to tell me why you won't let any of us near you!"

"I- no-"

"Why not?"

"Because- I- I just- I can't-"

"Oh of course! This is your whole guilt thing isn't it?!" He asked loudly, pretty much face to face as he kept his hands just above my shoulders and I felt tears prick the back of my eyes as he shook his head ludicrously

"You're so caught up in saving everyone else to spare yourself the guilt that you don't even stop to think that I might feel guilty about not doing anything to help! This isn't just about you and your fucking- fucking stupid brain and guilt complex and whatever the fuck you're feeling!" He told me as he pushed himself off the wall, still staring at me as I watched him clench his first angrily and raise it as I flinched, clamping my eyes shut just as the books were thrown from my hands and I whipped my head up, looking at him as he stared at me, appearing to have of calmed down considerably as he walked back towards me and I tensed slightly as I was pulled into a kiss as I stood there frozen, wrapping my arms around his neck after a moment as I broke, pulling back with tears rolling down my cheeks as he let out a quiet sigh while I was pulled into a hug and he rested his head on top of mine and spoke quietly

"Just let me feel like I'm good for once, Amelia"

"I- you can't-"

"Why not?"

"You just-"

"Just let me try"

"No. Now leave me alone" I told him quietly as I moved my arms from him as he stepped back, staring at me while he shook his head at me ever so slightly as he tried to hide the slight disbelief on his face as I turned away and started picking my books up before walking away as I wiped at my face.

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