|Chapter 96 : Not That One|

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"What the hell was that all about?"

"What was what about?"

"You weren't paying attention all lesson"

"What? Yes I was" I told Blaise while we made our way down to the common room and he kept his arm around my neck while I peered at him curiously, watching him turn and raise his eyebrows at me

"You weren't-"

"I was!"

"What was McGonagall saying fifteen minutes into the lesson then?"

"How the fuck am I meant to know?"

"Well if you were listening you would know"

"Okay then, what did she say Blaise? What was she on about?" I asked back as I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my eyebrows at him, watching as he shrugged

"I don't have a fucking clue"

"And why's that?"

"I wasn't listening"

"Of course you bloody weren't. You never do" I laughed as I dropped my bag and slumped down onto the couch, closing my eyes as I hugged Blaise, hiding my yawn as I felt a sharp smack to my forehead and I snapped my eyes open, staring around before narrowing my eyes at Adrian who stood with a smug grin on his face

"Don't try and go to sleep"

"Why not? I want to"

"I don't care. We have training"

"What? I wasn't told this!"

"Nobody was. Warrington can't make it but Krum was allegedly down at the pitch earlier today so I booked it for us so we could train in peace"

"Why are we training? We don't have any matches this year"

"But next year we will"

"Bold of you to assume I'll be on the team next year"

"You will be"

"What if I don't want to be-?"

"You ain't getting a choice. Now get up and down to the pitch. That goes for you too Malfoy" Adrian told Draco as I looked around Blaise and towards him, watching him sigh before standing up and heading to his dorm while I felt eyes on the back of my head

"What do you want Adrian?"

"For you to go to your dorm and change into your quidditch robes"

"I can't be bothered"

"Just wear normal clothes then"


"If you want"

"Awh thanks Adrian I knew you loved me. I just meant that I couldn't be bothered with quidditch training in general" I told him amused as I stood up and gave him a grin before going to my dorm and quickly changing, leaving with broom in hand as I headed down to the pitch.

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