|Chapter 98 : Drawing Names|

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"Hey, I'm not late, am I?" I asked slightly breathless as I sat down next to Cedric and Abbie, squeezing between them as she glanced at me and shook her head before grabbing my upper arm tightly, squeezing it with a grin as I tried to hide my wince as Cedric turned to me

"Remember to loosen your grip Abbie, you about cut my circulation off earlier"

"'About cut off circulation' I didn't though, did I?"

"You might've, my arm is still slightly numb- what in the name of Merlin happened?" Cedric asked quickly, cutting himself off as he turned and looked at me, tilting my head back as I tried to swat his hands away as he stared intently at the bruises around my jaw

"Nothing, don't worry about it-"

"Clearly 'nothing', Amelia. What happened? It looks sore"

"I'm fine honestly"

"I don't think you are-"

"Cedric, please take your hands off my face-"

"Hold still-"

"Cedric, no-"


"No- don't try and- Cedric- stop it- I don't need healed I'm fine- you little shit you didn't have to" I muttered quietly after he tucked his wand away back into his pocket, a slight tingling feeling running through my skin as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I leant against his side with a smile

"Thanks though"

"No problem, I don't want to see you with bruises"

"I'm surprised you even want to see me at all to be honest"


"Jesus Christ I love your humour"

"Ha, yeah.... humour" I muttered, glancing at Abbie as we looked at each other before we both started laughing and I turned to Cedric as he continued to stare at me, a look of slight appall on his face as I was hugged tighter

"Please don't say stuff like that"

"Cedric, you know I don't mean it"

"But you sounded so sincere-"

"Sit down, please" Dumbledore called from the front of the hall, cutting Cedric off as everybody started slipping down into benches as I glanced around, finding Blaise, Pansy and Daphne together along with Millicent at the opposite end of the Slytherin table while Draco sat next to Crabbe and Goyle behind the Durmstrangs, my heart doing a little jump when I saw him as I turned my attention back to Dumbledore as I sat up properly, Cedric moving his arm and leaning against the table as I held his wrist and gave him a small smile

"Now the moment that you've all been waiting for: the champion selection" he called out, moving his hand around in the direction of the hall as the torches slowly started to dim down, the flames becoming small before he walked up to the goblet, placing his hands on both sides for a moment before stepping back with his hand still stretched out as the blue flames quickly turned red, a collective gasp going around the hall as a smoking piece of parchment came floating out and he caught it

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