|Chapter 57 : Little Trips|

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"The passes are here" Oscar mumbled while I stood in the kitchen as I turned my head to him, two getting passed to me as I slipped the red tickets into my pocket

"I've got mine-"

"There were three?" I asked confused as he nodded before disappearing as I shrugged and grabbed two cups as I went back through to the living room, sitting down next to Draco as I passed him his cup, the others having already left as I looked at him

"When do you have to head back?"

"Some point tomorrow morning-"


"Yeah. I didn't say, did I?"

"No.... you didn't" I told him, starting to laugh as I shook my head and glanced around

"I don't have a problem with you staying here by the way"

"I'd hope not"

"Even if I did it's not like I would just make you sleep outside"

"You probably would"

"If you annoyed me enough" I shrugged, taking a drink before starting to laugh while I put my cup on the table and started unwrapping the bandages from my arms, my skin bright red, irritated and blistered heavily as I sighed before looking to him

"Fancy a trip?"


"To Adams"

"I thought you weren't to speak to them...."

"You really think I'm going to listen to Nadia? They don't deserve that. She shouldn't have of left in the first place if she's that bothered" I told him while standing up, pulling my sleeves down before grabbing floo powder as he climbed into the fireplace next to me and I threw it down. Landing unsteadily I hit him slightly before we climbed out

"Sorry, I've never been able to stick the landing here. Too many turns and whatnot" I told him as I took my shoes off and motioned for him to copy before we walked from the living room and I glanced about the hall before heading to the kitchen, grinning at the four sitting at the table as I started clapping

"Ayyy bitches look who's back!"

"Go home Amelia"

"Fuck yourself"

"No.... wait...."

"Hi" I said to Nathan laughing, grinning as he turned his head to me and looked at me, blinking as I stared back at him, his eyes pink and slightly puffy before I shoved him along his seat slightly before sitting down on the spare half and hugging him with a smile

"What up?"

".... you're not meant to be-"

"You really think I'm going to listen to Nadia? Out of all people? And besides, I missed you guys- and Adam, I need help" I told him with a grin as he looked up slightly before nodding and standing and starting to walk as I looked at the others confused as they stared back. Standing up I was motioned to the door as I grabbed Draco's shoulders and shoved him down onto a chair with a laugh before leaving, following Adam upstairs as he walked silently before holding a door open for me

"Is this your room?"

"Yeah. Don't mind the mess"

"What mess?" I asked laughing as I looked around, his room immaculate before sitting down on the edge of his bed slowly and rolling the sleeves of my jumper up as he disappeared for a minute before coming back and stopping instantly, staring at my burned arms before shaking his head

"What is it?"

"You'll have to take your jumper off" he told me quietly as I tugged it off, careful to not let the wool touch the burns as I pushed the sleeves of my top up slightly while he sat down beside me and held my arm out in front of him, healing it silently

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine"

"You're horrible at lying to me Adam"

"I'm not"

"You are"

"I know" he sighed quietly before moving to the other side of me and sitting down as he started healing my other arm

"What is it?"

"We weren't even thinking. You could've died in that house yet all we seemed to care about was disappearing back to Nathan's and drinking some more-"

"Don't go guilt tripping yourself now Adam. Nobody had a single clue that that was going to happen. I honestly thought it'd all be normal and we'd be fine- I mean, we were fine but-"

"You could've died in there Amelia. Do you know how awful we felt when we found out? It was our fault-"

"It wasn't your fault-"

"But it was-"

"Did you start the fire?"

"No but-"

"Then it wasn't your fault"


"Stop saying but-"

"Amelia please just listen. Because of us you aren't allowed to talk to us, write to us or even see us-"

"And you think what Nadia says is going to stop me?!" I asked, turning and staring at him with my lips pressed together and my eyebrows slightly knitted together while we stared at each other before I tackled him into a hug, hugging him tightly as he sighed slightly before hugging me back

"I didn't get to finish healing your arm"

"I don't care"

"But I do-"

"Shush" I mumbled while dropping my head onto his shoulder with a quiet sigh

"I'm sorry Adam"

"Why're you apologising? I'm confused...."

"I feel the need to"

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