|Chapter 45 : Invitations|

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"It was completed not long after you left"

"And it's my first time seeing it too" I murmured to Oscar as he leant against my wall, the bedroom window open wide as a gentle breeze came in and I continued putting my things away

"Do you even know what I'm on about?"

"The pool. I'm not dumb" I muttered as I searched around my trunk, looking up and finding him sitting on the window sill while picking my quidditch robes up, instantly pausing



"I never said goodbye to Flint! Fuck!" I cursed loudly, kicking my trunk annoyed before going and hanging them up

"You'll see him at the Cup"

"I suppose-"

"How come you get to help organise everything and I don't?!"

"Because I'm more trusted than you, more connected and a nicer person-"


"Fuck you you little shit" I muttered as I walked over to my bed and sat down tiredly while we looked at each other and a smile started to grow on his face

"Since you're getting a Firebolt can I have your N-?"

"No. Absolutely not"

"Why not?!"

"Because it's my broom and I paid for it with my own money-"

"So?! You've got a 2001 in the changing room too-"

"And I've never used it-"

"Then can I have it?"



"Because it was given to me-"

"But you've never even used it! And won't!" He complained loudly as I sighed, starting to get annoyed as I laid down, blocking his voice out by pulling a pillow over my head and groaning

"Oscar stop annoying your sister" lifting the pillow, a grin started forming as I looked at Adam who stood there with two letters in his hand, one open as he held them out to me

"These are yours"

"You opened one?"

"Yes, yes I did" he told me before passing them over to me as I took out the letter he had already opened

"It's from Kingsley. It's about the Cup"

"Well there's no point in me reading it now" I sighed, giving him a look before starting to laugh as he sat down next to me, peering over my shoulder as he looked at the invitation I had pulled out from the envelope

"Holy shit"

"What's this now?"

"Holy shit"

"That doesn't answer my question-"

"It's an invitation to the most prestigious and classy-"

"'Classy'" I scoffed with a laugh as he looked at me with a serious look

"I'm being honest. Only witches and wizards that are the best of the best, the richest and the most important are invited"

"So I got one how?" I asked laughing as he took both it and the envelope from my hand and started looking over them both while I read the letter from Kingsley. Looking up awhile later to see if he was done he sat with a grin, twirling the invitation amused


"Since when were you close with Malfoy?"

"You what?"

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. Since when did you-?"


"Who do you think sent it?"

"He didn't...."

"He did" he told me nodding, starting to laugh as I took the invitation from him, grinning when I seen his signature on the bottom

"It's for the day before your birthday"

"Why couldn't you just say the end of July?"

"I forgot what month it was" he shrugged as I started laughing, leaning across and sitting it on my bedside table, a smile on my face as I sat back and looked at Oscar

"Why are you still here?"

"Because I couldn't be bothered leaving-"

"No. You were being a nosey cunt and wanted to see what I-"

"How come you get an invitation to Recanera Parlo but I don't?!"

"To what?"

"Recanera Parlo. The party. You don't even know the name of it!"

"That's because I'm not obsessed with it like you"

"Exactly! I've always wanted to go so how come it's you that gets the invitation?!"

"Because I'm friends with Draco..... self explanatory considering he sent it" I told him, looking at him stupidly as he huffed and left the room, the door shutting loudly as I looked at Adam ludicrously

"What is wrong with the people in this house?!"

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