|Chapter 144 : Unwanted Guest|

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Both of us sitting stock still we listened as the two spoke out in the corridor and I turned to him, my voice barely even a whisper

"Give me your shirt"

"This one?"

"Yes, please Draco now" I begged as he pulled it off over his head and I tugged it on, the navy blue silk button up sitting comfortably over my vest as I held my breath before slipping off his bed and to my feet, grabbing my wand from his desk as my hand was grabbed

"What're you doing?"

"I need to get out of here"

"No, Amelia, stay please"

"I can't-"

"I won't let anything happen to you when you're in here I promise"

"I know you won't but what if he comes in and does something to you?" I asked quietly as he shook his head and pulled me back down onto the bed, turning my head towards him as he stared at me slightly wide eyed

"Don't worry about me or what could happen-"

"But I do, Draco! I never know what he could do to anybody and that alone is simply terrifying!" I explained to him quietly as I grabbed his hands and lowered them down from my face as we sat silently, holding my breath as we listened to Theodore and Adrian talk outside, their voices muffled as Draco leaned forward towards his bedside table and grabbed a clean t-shirt from the bottom drawer and pulling it on, gently grabbing the back of his neck after he'd sorted himself as I pulled him forward and kissed him gently as he sat there for a second before moving and holding my hand as he leaned in closer

"I need to go, you know I do"

"What's stopping you from staying?"

"The fact I know he's right out there and looking for me, if he comes in here and sees me with you or anyone in here we both might as well be dead" I explained to him quietly, barely two inches apart from each other as his voice started getting a little louder and his words clearer as I was kissed again and I wrapped my arms around his neck, getting pulled forward as his hands made their way down to my waist, getting held with a soft but tight grip, the sound of knocking pulling us both apart as we turned to the door as another knock sounded a second later and we let go of each other as we got to our feet

"Go" he urged quietly as I nodded, darting over to the door, the dorm still dark as I leant against the wall and Draco glanced at me before opening the door with a plastered tired expression on his face


"I've came to chat Malfoy" watching from the door, Blaise started pushing himself up, looking to the door confused as I stood hidden behind it, only a little bit of light flooding in from the stairwell lamps as I held my breath


"Amelia. Where is she?"

"How should I know?"

"Because I know she's been talking to you relentlessly"

"She hasn't spoke to me in-"

"Don't give me that bullshit, I've noticed that-"

"I'm surprised you managed to lose her, Nott. Especially since you obsess over her every move and whereabouts" Draco pointed out as he was forced back a few paces, Nott having made his way into the dorm as I pressed myself as close to the wall as I could, watching him walk over to Draco's bed and draw the drapes back

"You're not going to find anything or anyone in my bed, Nott"

"I'm not so foolish as you may think me to be, Malfoy" he muttered, turning back and standing chest to chest with him as I watched Blaise stand up, grabbing his wand off his desk as Nott's voice got steadily lower

"You think people don't see her running off to you? Or sitting next to you? Or slipping into your dorm at two in the morning.... Do you not think I have my suspicions? Where is she?"

"What makes you think I'll tell you?"

"So you know?"

"Of course I know, but I also know that you're wasting your time by asking me" Draco told him, a cold edge to his voice as I watched Nott clench his jaw and inch closer still as he reached into his back pocket, Blaise raising his wand at him at the sight as his eyes flicked past Draco and towards him

"Don't be stupid now, Zabini"

"Get out of our dorm-"

"Not until I've finished looking around" giving Draco one last look he turned around and kicked Dracos trunk at the end of his bed before slowly walking towards the bathroom, Blaise following him as I quickly ran from the room and up the stairs through the common room and towards the entrance

"Amelia?! What're you doing?" Drawing my wand I pointed it at Adrian and silenced him as I vanished from the common room, my feet slamming painfully against the cold floor as ran through the damp and dark corridors.

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