|Chapter 198 : Silent Talks|

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This is... Thrilling

With only a little over an hour having passed we sat there silently, staring at the hedgerows that provided no entertainment as we looked between each other

"Why did we show up for this?"

I could've gone back to bed

"I should've stayed in bed"

"I don't get it... the first task was great to watch. The last two have been utter shit" Blaise mumbled as Pansy shrugged and stood up, climbing past him and up to the bench behind to Daphne and Millicent as he slid up the bench towards me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders



"I was-"

"Zabini, get off my legs"

"I'm not on your legs" Blaise argued back as we turned our heads, Draco pulling his legs away from my back as Blaise's arm slumped down slightly due to the loss of support as he instantly picked himself up

"See? I wasn't"

"You were"

"Well I'm not anymore" he shrugged before turning back as I gave an amused look to Draco as I turned my head around, feeling his legs gently press against my back again as I leant against him

Turn that frown upside down Zabini

"I'm not frowning"

You are

"Mr Entitled back there just thinks that I can't-"

"I can hear you"


You're so childish

"Of course I am, remember I'm-"

"Amelia?" Turning my head and leaning forward to look past Blaise, I gave a smile to Fred and George who stood at the end of the row

"Could we talk to you for a minute?" They asked at the same time as I nodded and turned my head, nudging Blaise as he dropped the sour look he had growing on his face before moving his arm as I laughed silently before standing up and edging out of the row towards them before following them down the steps and towards the entrance of the arena. Sitting down against the wall they stood opposite me as I patted the space beside me with a grin as they sat down either side of me and we stayed quiet for awhile while I drummed my fingers on the board while the chatter from the crowd drifted towards us

"We're sorry"

You haven't done anything

"But we didn't do anything either"

And I'm happy you didn't

"But we still should've done something, all of us should've. After that day we should've-"

I'm sorry

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