|Chapter 167 : Water Tales|

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Sitting up eagerly I listened as multiple feet scurried into the hospital wing, setting the letter I was writing to Draco to the side as I listened to people be directed into beds as I grabbed my wand and pressed it against my skin as it started to tingle again and I listened to the voices flooding the room

"Mr Diggory keep your blanket on!"

"It is on!"

"On properly!" I heard Pomfrey scold as I sat with a grin, watching the curtain get pulled back quickly as he stood there with a wide grin on his face, his hair dripping wet as he came over and pulled me into a quick and tight hug, laughing happily

How'd it go??

"I scored 47/50! I'm at 85 points!... and first place!" He told me gleefully, my clothes starting to become damp as he pressed a kiss to my forehead

"I couldn't have done it without you, Lia"

So what was it?? What was the task set up like?

"So we had an hour in the black lake and so from what the egg gave me subtle clues about I had to find something, right? So I practiced the bubblehead charm all week and I finally mastered it- anyway! So I was swimming about right, I felt like a fish and also felt a little silly but anyway, I was searching and there were grindylows, I saw the giant squid, I was swimming through kelp forests and I saw the sirens and mermaids and, Amelia, oh my god it's beautiful under the water! And so I followed one of the merpeople-things and there were four people chained to the bottom of the lake-"


"Don't even, that was my reaction too. So I swam down and there was Hermione, Ron, Cho and Fleur's little sister so I had to go to Cho and she was held to the bottom of the lake by a chain so I had to use my wand to free her from that and then I had to swim with her up to the surface where once we broke the water she could breathe again- honestly Lia it's all such a blur, it doesn't feel real!" He rambled on, his words tumbling out of his mouth in a singular breath as I laughed at him, watching him drop down onto my bed with a sigh of exhaustion

Are you alright?

"Amazing, I'm so glad that's over though. I'm so tired, I just want a cup of tea and maybe some cottage pie" he told me with a heavy sigh as I started laughing at him, poking his side as he jumped away from me laughing as I sorted the blanket around him, making sure he was covered as he sat up again

"Everybody else is okay too, we all got out"

You did? Okay that's good to hear, I'm glad

"I was the best but that defeats the point"

So humble

"I am a Hufflepuff"

You're sounding as egotistical as me

"You're not egotistical... you're self aware" he corrected me laughing, soon getting called away as he gave a wave before disappearing around the curtain, everybody soon leaving the Hospital Wing as it fell silent again, the only sound being that of Madame Pomfrey's shoes hitting the ground as she headed back to her office as the same feeling of lonlieness took over me

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