|Chapter 190 : Reassurances|

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"There's practice in about an hour or two" Draco told me quietly, closing my dorm door behind him after he'd came back from dinner as I turned to him with a smile while sorting out my wardrobe as he stood next to me with his arm wrapping around my back

"Are you going to go down for it?"

"Are you?"

"I'd love to see the team, but I don't know if I have the energy" I told him quietly, laughing slightly as I hung my last jumper up and turned to him with my arms wrapped around his neck

"Are you going?"

"I will if you will, but if you don't then I won't" he shrugged as a small smile grew on my face and I leant my head against him with my eyes closed and I felt him draw circles against my back

"You still haven't seen Parkinson?"

"No, I've seen Millicent though. I got a hug off of her. I also had a little talk with Crabbe and Goyle for a while. But other than that I haven't seen anybody else, I'd like to see Pansy before that though" I explained to him as I looked up and watched him nod before lifting my head and giving him a gentle kiss as a smile grew on my face, my fingers running into his hair

"So how come you decided to pay a visit?"

"I did say I'd see you after dinner"

I didn't think you'd be so quick

"Are you tired of talking to me already?"

Yeah, you're that boring

"Thanks, Lia. Do you want to stay down here or go to the common room?"

You can choose

"So indecisive... come on" he urged quietly, smirking slightly as he stepped back and pulled me from the dorm and up the stairs as we grabbed a spare arm chair in the corner, laughing loudly after he'd sat down and pulled me on top of him with a grin as his arm instantly wrapped around me and my shoulder leant against his as he smiled slightly while I drew my knees to my chest and he placed his other arm over me, dragging his fingers across my thigh in a curved line as I looked at him with a smile

"Tu m'as manqué"

"I'd be hurt if you didn't"

"Je ne te dérange pas, n'est-ce pas? Être avec toi depuis si longtemps..."

"Je veux chaque seconde avec toi"

"Vraiment?" I asked quietly, my throat starting to burn as he turned his head to me, moving his hand from my thigh and taking my hand as he smiled at me

"Bien sûr" he told me as a smile crossed my face and he looked at me amused before glancing away and scanning around the common room as I watched him, my eyes scanning his face before I leaned up and kissed his cheek before resting my head back against him.




"Pansy has just gone down to your dorm" Draco told me quietly as I opened my eyes and lifted my head slightly, blinking confused before swiping at my face

"Did I fall asleep?"

"Only for about twenty minutes"

"Do you mind if I go down and see her?" I asked quietly as he shook his head and smiled at him, sitting up straighter as I gave him a quick kiss, a smirk growing before I pulled back and patted his face as he watched amused as I got up and moved away from, disappearing down the dorm stairs. Closing the door behind me I listened to the tap run in the bathroom as I grinned to myself before going over and knocking on the door

"I'll be a second!" Not replying I knocked again, loud this time as she gave another shout out to me as I ignored her again, knocking louder and more frantic

"Give me a bloody minute to dry my hands you shithead!" She shouted out as I covered my mouth and laughed to myself as she yanked the bathroom door open with an irritated look as I stood there amused, watching her face drop slightly before she let out a scream, lunging at me as I held my arms out and hugged her tightly as she crashed against me.

"Oh my fucking god"

"So I haven't seen you in months and you call me a shithead?"

"Oh my fucking god! Amelia!" She cried loudly as I turned my head, my chest growing tight as she sobbed against my shoulder, her fingers digging deeper into my back as I held her tightly, feeling my eyes burn as I tried to bite back my own tears

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you too lovely"

"I'm so sorry, Lia. I'm so so fucking sorry. I-I should've done more and not let you-"

"Pansy, please no. It's okay, you have nothing to apologise for" I reassured her quietly, running my fingers gently through her hair as we hugged each other tightly, her sobs still running through my ears as I leant my head against hers.

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