|Chapter 192 : The Chase for Breakfast|

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"Girl, come on!" Pansy shouted, grabbing my hand and running with me through the corridor as I followed after her laughing, stumbling into her back when we'd reached the stairs as she continued running, diving past people with both of us laughing loudly, Daphne chasing after us as we rounded the corner leading to the great hall as we finally slowed down to a walk

"Why were you running so fast?"

"I'm starving!"

Breakfast isn't that exciting

"But Lia! You can finally treat yourself to a nice cold glass of pumpkin juice!" Pansy told me happily as we walked into the hall, a tight hold still on each others hands as Daphne linked her arm with mine and I felt a slightly nauseous feeling fill my stomach as I looked at the people dotted around the hall as we made our way along the Slytherin table and I was pulled down onto the bench between them

"So how'd we all sleep?"

"I was asleep how am I meant to know?"

"Well how were you when you woke up?"

"Tired, how else am I meant to feel?" Pansy scoffed as I stifled my laugh, turning to look at her and going to say something as I glanced past her and watched as Draco walked in with Crabbe and Goyle on either side of him and I felt an involuntary smile tug at my face

"Back to us suffering our third wheel life are we?"


"You know exactly what Pansy is talking about, it was only a matter of time"

Both of you can fuck right off

Glancing between them I watched as they stifled their laughter while the seats in front of us were taken and I glanced up with a smile while nodding to the three of them

What's our first lesson?


On a Monday?

"Yeah, they had to change our timetables up a few months ago due to the other schools also having to use the classrooms to do their studying. Due to that, Charms and Transfiguration take place in here"


"Yeah, it's horrendous"

"You have us doing our transfiguration and first years running around mental behind us"

Great, I can't wait

"But hey, you don't have to worry about that until tomorrow. It's only Herbology and Potions today" Daphne told me while eating her cereal as I pulled her hair out of her face smiling before turning back, trying to pull the jug of pumpkin juice towards me as I struggled to hold it, it being taken away from me as Goyle filled my goblet and I gave him a nod of appreciation before picking it up and sipping from it slowly, feeling hands on my shoulders as I tilted my head back, Cedric smiling at me


"Good morning" he laughed back as I set my goblet down and swung my legs over the bench to turn towards him as he crouched down next to me, his voice low as he kept his eyes on me

"How're you feeling?"

Okay, pretty tired

"Did you sleep enough?"

"I've been sleeping like shit"

"Do you want me to get you like a dreamless sleep potion or something?" He offered quietly as I shook my head and he gave me a small smile before pulling at my robe slightly and dusting it down

"How're you feeling for classes?"

I'm not sure

"What is it you have today?"

Herbology and potions

"Okay so they shouldn't be too bad. But don't let anybody give you hassle Lia, if you're getting asked too many questions or people are just staring at you don't think twice about getting up and leaving- Madame Pomfrey has told the professors that you're allowed to leave whenever you'd like"

She has?

"She has, but please tell me if today doesn't go well okay? I have Ancient Runes and Herbology at the end of the day but other than that I'm free. If you need me at any point I'll either be in here or I'll be in the library. Just come and find me if you need me, okay?" Nodding silently I gave him a smile as he patted my knee with a grin before standing up and saying his goodbyes before vanishing as I turned back around on the bench, Pansy turning to me, her face only and inch or so away from my own as I tried not to laugh

Are you trying to kiss me or something?

"Do you want me to?"

I mean, if you're offering

"Keep it for the dorm you two. Are we ready to go?"

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