|Chapter 200 : Dreadful End|

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"He's a good guy really" Nathan told me, having been standing outside with Lysander for awhile as he left not too long ago and we listened as noise and music circled the arena and met our ears, the sky having grown dark while I turned my head and watched as he lowered himself down to sit on the grass

He seems it

"A little boisterous at times"

He did openly call you a twat

"Oh well we have known each other for years"

You could've clarified that, I thought he had something against you

"Oh no no... he was actually my quidditch captain when I was here"


"Yeah, he was a superb player, phenomenal actually. But he stopped playing... I'll never understand why" he explained, a thoughtful tone to his voice as I looked at him smiling and he turned to me

"So how are you?"

I'm good

"Amelia, we're away from everyone. Please tell me honestly how you are, don't tell me what you want me to hear"

You're so persistent

"You love me"

I do, and it's going to be my downfall one day

"Right, come on. I'm not that bad"


"The cheek of you.... But really, come on and spill"

I mean, I am good

"Is there something else?"

I'm just still getting used to it all again, for as silly as it sounds

"It's not silly at all, Lia. It's completely understandable and reasonable"

I just hate having to double check who's around me every time I leave my dorm or the common room

"Well you know you have a strong group of people around you. All of which are currently refusing to let you out of their sight"

I know, I'm surprised they've let me sit with you for so long without one of them hunting me down

"It's only because it's me you're with, let's be honest"

Oh without a doubt, anybody else and I would've been dragged away

"I love being the special treatment for you Birdy. I clearly must be so special to you" he sighed as I stared at him from the corner of my eye, staying silent while watching him lift his head

"Don't disagree, it'll hurt my ego" he mumbled quietly while I stood there laughing, shaking my head and going to say something when I stopped myself. Straightening up off the wall I turned towards the entrance of the arena, the screams meeting our ears as Nathan stood up behind me, glancing at each other we started to walk in cautiously, pausing slightly when someone had started running out in our direction

"Dean?" Feeling his hands on my shoulders he gently but firmly started guiding me backwards from the arena, Nathan jogging away from us to the growing crowd as I turned back to him confused

"What're you doing?"

"Just come on, Amelia. You need to get out of here"

"What do you mean?"

"Just please Amelia, let's go. I'll get you up to the castle-"

"Harry?" Looking past him, I stared past Nathan who was jogging over and towards us and looking to Harry who was behind him, being led out by Moody with his face twisted in pain, his eyes glassy while he clutched at his forearm and I started to get pulled away

"Wait, so if Harry is back that means Cedric has won right? He's the last one in the maze!" I laughed, Nathan reaching our side as I grabbed his hands with a grin, jumping up and down ecstatically as he tried to get me to walk towards the castle

"Nathan! Cedric won! I fucking knew it, oh my god!"

"Amelia, come on"

"Has he came back? Dean? Did Cedric come back with the cup?" I asked, turning my head and looking to where he'd paced himself back a few steps as his lips twisted downwards slightly, pressed tightly together as his eyes drifted to Nathan and I done the same. Staring silently at one another I felt my smile drop as he squeezed my hands tightly, his face looking almost somber with his eyes glazing with tears as I stared at him confused


"Lia, please... please just come with us" hearing more cries of agony reach my ears I slipped my hands out from Nathan's when they'd started to grow cold and turn white at the tips, looking at the small groups of people who were being ushered away  I glanced back to Nathan as he reached out for my hands and I paced back and he started to shake his head at me slowly. Diving past him I jumped between the groups of people, squeezing past them as I fought to get back into the centre of the arena, Nathan screaming my name behind me as I looked at Cedric lying on the ground, the cup a few feet away as I grinned, calling out his name gleefully as I raced over in his direction and dropped down to my knees beside the small group around him

"Cedric you done it!" I called out happily, a grin wide on my face as I grabbed his shoulders and held him tightly, shaking him with joy as he failed to react

"Cedric!" Laughing, when he failed to move I slowly felt my smile drop as I gave him another shake, turning my head to Amos who was crying out in anguish as I felt hands gently on my shoulders and I looked back at Cedric, his body cold to touch as I smacked him gently

"You can snap out of it now Ced"

"Lia, please..."

"Okay this isn't funny anymore. Cedric, please" I begged after hitting him harshly, glancing to his hand and to the ring that was burning a bright white as I grabbed it tightly, his fingers stiff while I felt a surge of pain and energy course through my head and chest, my hands starting to glow the same vibrant white. Shuffling closer I gave him another harsh shake, my eyes brimmed with tears as everything fell quiet around me, not even able to hear my own screams as I begged for him to wake up. Feeling my head growing dizzy I hit his chest desperately, my hands leaving a faint glow against him as it soon vanished from his skin and I looked back down to his hand, it still a blazing white colour as the white gave the appearance of trickling through his veins as it flowed dimly under his shirt as it spread slowly upwards across his arm and over his chest and the rest of his body before it slowly started to vanish.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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