|Chapter 51 : Spilling Secrets|

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"Do you think I could fit fifteen of these in my mouth?"

"You're a hazard to society-" Draco said with a small smirk as I cut over him

"And a coward- do twenty" I told Blaise smirking as he emptied the packet of minstrels out onto the bag

"There isn't twenty" he said as I shrugged laughing and he started. By the end we were all sniggering at him as he tried to find a bin

"In the bathroom" I told him laughing as the door opened and Nathan toppled in with Ali behind him

"Hey" he greeted laughing, making sure to drag the letters out

"My god, are you two drunk already?" I asked ludicrously while a smile continued growing on my face

"Of course not - we're res-respon-respons- responsible adults" Ali said as he struggled with his words, a look of extreme concentration on his face

"Of course you are" Pansy said from the windowsill as they turned to her

"Where the fuck did you come from?" Nathan asked confused as I snorted into my drink and I tried not to laugh while Blaise walked out of the bathroom

"Fucking hell Amelia! Do these people live in your cupboard?" He asked and I lost it- I spilled my drink over my bed as I dropped my cup onto my duvet and I covered my mouth with my hand to try and stop laughing as Draco picked the cup up and set it on my bedside table as Ali walked over and peered around the side of the bed before stepping back as Adam slumped in

"Nathan! There's six of them!" He yelled in shock as Daphne tried to conceal her laughter as coughs

"Five. There's five of us" she told him as he stared at them again

"Nathan! One's disappeared!"

"Can they leave?" Draco asked quietly as I tried to control my laughter as I turned my head to him

"Or we could. Want to go in the pool?" I asked them as they all nodded quickly and we left

"Have you all got your bags?" I asked as they quickly dived back into the room and came back out again

"As you can tell: I never thought this through- but do any of you actually have swimsuits?" I asked as I mentally slapped myself when none of them nodded while I groaned

"Ah fuck- right, em. Well you two can borrow one of mine" I said to Pansy and Daphne before turning to the other two who had been talking

"I don't think you want to wear Oscar's clothes" I said laughing

"It's fine, we've got it sorted"

"Really? Well thank god because that makes that a hell lot easier for me- right, I'll get the towels from my room and we'll meet outside in let's say, ten?" I proposed as they nodded and the two boys walked off down the hall and I walked back into the room and snorted at the sight of the two of them slumped across the bed while Adam leant against the wall while sitting on the floor

"I am so getting a picture of this" I grinned as I took a camera out of the cupboard and quickly got a picture as I waited on it printing out before I put it back and grabbed a heap of towels before going over to my drawers and pulling out the first three swimsuits that I saw before I left the room again

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