|Chapter 180 : Hanging Highs|

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Opening the back door of the kitchen that lead out into the field behind Nathan's house I sat down slowly, leaning against the door while pulling my jumper on. Stretching my bare feet out of the door I let the rain bounce off my skin and the droplets soon became heavier and more frequent as I closed my eyes with a smile

"Hey, Birdy" opening my eyes I turned my head, Nathan leaning against the cabinet with a smile as he passed me a mug of tea with a straw in it as I grinned up at him gratefully while he sat down next to me

"So what's this, hm? The new high?"

It's very calming

"Are you cold?"

No I'm okay

"I'm going to go get you a blanket" he told me laughing as he stood up and disappeared, coming back a minute later and draping it around my shoulders as he stood behind me with a mug of his own in his hands

Are you rough?

"Fucking very rough. I've already thrown up this morning" he admitted laughing as I shook my head amused before he turned to me

"I forgot to say but we have practice tonight. Do you want to come along and watch, or would you rather stay here and rest?"

What time does it start?

"Six, I believe. I don't actually know"

You're the team captain and you don't even know?

"Nope" he scoffed before starting to laugh as I turned my head around and looked at him as he gave me a smile

"So what do you say?"

I'd love to, but if I'm asleep then please don't wake me up to go

"I wouldn't dream of it... see what I done there? Dream? And you sleeping?"

Funny guy you are

"Funny, charming, sweet, caring, gorgeous... I've been called it all"

I think you forgot 'stupid'

"Wipe that smile off you face" he told me as I sat there laughing silently, finishing off my tea as I stood up and hung the blanket up on a door hook before setting the mug down and standing a step outside, leaning against the door and looking at him as he gave me a smile before stepping over beside me but staying inside out of the rain

"You're going to get a cold"

No I'm not

"I think you are"

My immune system is stronger than you

"You wish"

I'm being serious

"I'm Nathan Dalmer, beater for the Montrose Magpies: nobody and nothing is stronger than me"

Humble yourself

"Never" he laughed as he set his mug down to grab the blanket from the door and I grabbed it to take a drink, pulling a face as my throat burned and he watched me laughing

"Oh Lia, no!"

It's two in the afternoon! Why are you drinking firewhisky in your coffee?

"It's never too early to drink"

I beg to differ

"You, of all people, get no say in this situation"

You make me sound like an alcoholic

"You're part Scottish, of course I'm calling you an alcoholic"

Rude git

"I love you too Amelia"

Sure you do

"Of course I do. Anyway, I'm thinking of making coddle if you'd like any? Or some chicken and leek soup if you're up for it?" He offered as I nodded, his grin growing as he pointed out to the garden

"Since you're so keen to be out in the rain can you do me a favour and grab me some potatoes please?" He asked as I looked at him amused, starting to laugh before nodding as I dived out into the field and made my way round to the little vegetable patch in the corner of his garden. Digging around for what felt like an eternity I felt myself growing cold with the rain, my hair sticking to me and my jumper weighing me down as I turned my head, Nathan walking over to me

"You've been out here for fifteen minutes and you still haven't found anything?"

Must just be a bad bunch you planted

"You'd think, but I didn't actually plant any this year"


"You've just been digging in dirt for fifteen minutes" he told me laughing as I stared at him dumbfounded, grabbing a handful of wet compost and throwing it at him as it hit him on the thigh and he stared at me and I started laughing pushing myself up and running away from him as he chased after me, sliding over the wet grass as he caught up and grabbed me from behind. The rain continuing to batter off of us as we both laughed and he turned me around

"You think you're funny?" He asked laughing as I raised my hands and smothered the remaining dirt I had all over his face, laughing hysterically as he stared down at me, catching his breath with a glint in his eye, standing silent while a grin grew ear to ear over his face and I started laughing again as I stared up at his dirty face. Getting turned back around my feet left the ground as I was carried away, slapping at his arms to put me down as I spread dirt all over him by doing so while we eventually made it to the kitchen and he closed the door behind us while setting me down and I hid my face in his shoulder in a fit of laughter

"Right, off you go and clean up Birdy, before you make me even muckier"

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