|Chapter 162 : Meetings|

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Opening my eyes again I took notice of the numb feeling that had spread through my arms and legs as I tried my best to push myself up into a sitting position but stopped and rolled over, lying on my back as I stared up at the ceiling after catching sight of the whiteboard beside me with a small smile etched on my face. The hours passed by slowly as I laid there bored, not knowing what to do or what to look at, having finally gotten disinterested of staring at the spots on the high ceiling. Lifting my head, I stared at the shadow of someone standing on the other side of the curtain as I tried to push myself up, falling back onto the mattress in pain while watching wide eyed as it moved before they came into sight, the two of us getting upset as I looked at Cedric

"Amelia" watching as he walked over he sat down next to me and paused before carefully wrapping his arms around me and brought me into a hug as I scrunched my face up in pain while resting my head against his chest and I smelt the familiar scent of oranges and grass as his hand rested on the back of my head

"I'm so sorry Lia. I am so unbelievably sorry for not doing something, I should've paid attention, this is my fault. I'm so so sorry" he mumbled as I listened to his voice break as tears brimmed my eyes and I furiously shook my head, gripping at the hem of his shirt gently as I felt a kiss to the top of my head

"Are you alright? I'm sorry that's such a stupid question" he said quietly as I stayed silent, not knowing whether to nod, shrug or shake my head as I numbly reached for the board and pen, his eyes following my hand as he took it from my shaking hand and sat it down in front of me as I wrote on it, my writing scrawled and messy, nearly unreadable

What's the date?

"It's the 18th of February, Lia"

The second task is in a week

"A week and a half"

Have you got the egg yet?

"No, not yet. I haven't been able to think properly, Lia. I was too worried about you"

You shouldn't have of been

"You mean more to me than some stupid competition, Amelia" he told me quietly as I glanced up at him, his eyes looking over my face as he turned away after a moment as tears started to roll down my cheeks and I shakily raised my hand, wiping at his cheeks gently before he carefully took ahold of it and lowered it as I rested my head back against him and he laid down in the space next to me as I tried to roll over onto my side as I scrunched my face up in pain

"No, don't do that. You'll hurt yourself" he told me quietly as he gently nudged me back onto my back as I tried to hide the agony that was starting to break on my face as I let out a shaking breath, while he started running his thumb over the back of my hand

"We were terrified Lia. You should've told me"

I couldn't

"How not? I could've helped. This wouldn't have of happened if you had said something" he told me as I stared at the ceiling with tears in my eyes, staying still and obviously silent as I refused to look at him while we let awhile pass

I wonder how much work I've missed

"Why is that what you wonder? And let occupy your mind"

I don't know

"You never fail to surprise me Lia. You should try to sleep"

I've had enough. And says you

"I'm not tired" he told me as I glanced towards him, staring at the visible bags under his eyes as I gave him a look before writing on the board

Clear bullshit

"Thank you for that Amelia"

No problem

"You should really try to sleep though. I'll be here" he mumbled as I shook my head and he took the board and pen from me, setting them on the chair beside me before I was pulled towards him and he started humming quietly

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