|Chapter 174 : Wishful Envisioning|

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Opening my eyes I felt the throbbing in my head grow, blinking confused as I stared up at the drapes surrounding the bed... the warmth of a lamp by my head meeting me as I forced myself up, pushing the drapes aside as I stared around the empty dorm, everything bringing a calming sense of familiarity. Feeling a weight on my shoulder I turned my head and a smile took over me, Draco resting his chin against me with his arms wrapping around my waist



"How'd I get here?" I asked quietly, turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck, staring into his eyes with a smile, my eyes scanning over his face as I felt a slight flutter fill my chest

"Do you not want to be here?"

"No, of course I do. I just don't remember getting here" I explained with a laugh, feeling his lips brush mine gently as I closed the space between us and kissed him softly, his hands slipping up under my jumper as he grinned into the kiss while he slowly started to back me up, hitting his desk as I was pushed up onto it. Feeling him pull away he pulled my jumper off and over my head while throwing it on his bed as his hands found their way down to my waist and I fought for my breath back, his forehead pressing against mine as I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him against me with the two of us laughing quietly

"I've missed you"

"I'm not surprised"

"Lord, you need humbling" I scoffed before starting to laugh as he pressed a quick kiss to my lips before pulling back and kissing along my jaw, turning my head to the side while he made his way down to my neck, nipping at my skin and his kisses soon becoming rougher as my fingers bit into his skin and I let my eyes fall shut

"Why don't you show me how much you missed me then, hm?" He proposed quietly after lifting his head, inches apart as I stared up at him, my eyebrows slightly raised and my fingertips grazing his cheek as I pulled him towards me, kissing him with a growing smile.

Sitting upright I gasped, my head filled with a painful throbbing feeling as I blinked heavily and held my head in my hands, feeling my heart batter against my chest. Finally opening my eyes and managing to see straight I glanced about, sitting on the bed in the hospital wing as I straightened up and jumped backwards, reaching out desperately for my wand as I stared at the seat beside my bed, Theodore sitting there with his head in his hand as he stared at me intently, biting on a fingernail as I gripped at my wand

"That'll soon become an ugly habit"


"Desperate to get with, Malfoy. Disgusting to say so... that was also just beyond filthy and pathetic for me to watch"

What do you want?

"Just some quality time, Amelia! I never got to spend much time with you" he told me quietly while moving over, sitting down next to me as I raised my hand, my wand pressed into his neck as he grabbed my wrist, grappling with me on the bed as he finally pulled my wand from my hand and threw it to the other side of the hospital wing as he climbed on top of me with his teeth clenched together and my wrists pressed down against the mattress

"All I want is some time... and you need to do is stay quiet- which shouldn't be too much of a challenge"

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