|Chapter 176 : Change of Scenery|

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"Ready, Miss Black?" Nodding silently, Pomfrey held her arm out to help me up, my feet sore against the cold floor of the hospital wing as we slowly made our way to her office, the pale moonlight illuminating the floors through the high windows as I was passed a small handful of floo powder before being helped into the fireplace and she nodded to me smiling as I threw it down and she called out the address for me as I was whisked away, holding my breath through the tight turns and loops before eventually landing, falling down onto the carpet as I lay there in pain, trying to push myself up as the living room door opened

"Amelia! Come on, up you get" having my arms gently grabbed I was pulled up to my feet, slightly wobbly while Nathan brushed off the soot and dirt from my clothes and hair

"I didn't think you were coming until tomorrow" he said, smiling while looking at me as he wiped gently at my face as I pulled my wand out and flicked it, writing appearing beside me as he read it and nodded

I couldn't be in there another second

"It's understandable Lia, I also specifically asked Dumbledore to let you use a portkey but apparently he can't let anybody do anything that's beneficial for them" he muttered grimly before taking a slight step back as I raised my arms and hugged him tightly, his arms wrapping around me as I was swayed gently

"Oh Lia" he sighed quietly, his hand gently on my head as I wiped at the few tears that had ran down my face

"I've missed you y'know"

I missed you too

"You're looking better at least!" He told me smiling, his eyes scanning my face as I shook my head slowly, his eyebrows knitting together confused

It's an improved charm, I didn't want you to see how bad it was

"Oh Lia, you didn't have to do that, I understand why you did but please don't feel like you have to when with me"

I know, I'm just not used to it yet and it's not nice to look at

"That's understandable.... So how're you getting this writing to appear without talking or moving your wand?"

I've got it interlinked with my thought- it was a bastard to master

"It sounds it.... Im so glad to see you again though... you've had me and the team shitting bricks about you"

It's okay... Poppy is taking care of me

"I hope so, I'll have to get her a gift as a thank you or something. Do you want to know something you'll find amusing?"


"I'm not talking to your mother anymore, neither is Adam or Ali... and we haven't been for a while. Jayden is also being iffy with her"



How so?

"Some nasty things were said..... nasty, but true. And I just lost my shit with her"

Can I know why?

"Of course, but I'll explain later. But at the minute I have some soup if you'd like any? It's chicken and leek"

I still can't eat or swallow properly

"Still? Lia, it's been weeks, are you not able to have anything?"

Pomfrey has me on potions so I don't waste away and starve

"But it's your favourite too..."

I know... and I'm starving


"I got a letter from Cedric.... He says you still haven't been letting him see you in the hospital wing" Nathan brought up quietly a little while later as I sat next to him in his living room with my head on his shoulder and curled under a blanket

"Draco also wrote to me and asked if you were alright because he says you've barely been responding to his notes and letters, is something up?"

I just don't know how to talk to them anymore

"What do you mean?"

I just don't feel right. It's stupid but I feel like I've forgotten so much about myself and them and I don't know what to do about it

"Why do you think you've forgotten yourself?"

I'm not sure... I just have this strange feeling that I'm not myself anymore. It's hard to put into words, but I guess it's like I was fast asleep, and somebody came, disassembled me, and hurriedly put me back together again... that sort of feeling

"Lia, there is nothing disassembled about you. You were put through unthinkable hell and came out the other side of it still as you are. I'm not going to lie to you, you're going to change and that is undeniable and normal and completely understandable. But I don't want you sitting here beating yourself up over some dickhead that thought he had the right to do any of that to you.... I just wish you'd said something to one of us, I don't understand as to why you protected him for so long"

It is a strange thing to nourish what could kill you in the hopes it does not kill you

"Oh Lia.... Come here" feeling him move he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me while pulling me closer towards him, his head sitting against mine as he kissed my hair gently.

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