|Chapter 110 : Truthful Lies|

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"Don't be absurd"

"I'm telling the truth" Pansy told me with raised eyebrows as I looked at her from where I sat between her and Blaise on the couch while Daphne sat in front of us on the floor of the common room

"Draco does not have a crush on me"

"He does" Pansy told me again as Blaise and Daphne spoke over each other

"He really does"

"I do"

"Wait, what?" I asked and whipped around, finding no one there as I turned back around and stared at Blaise who sat there with a smirk

"I wanted to see how you would react. Sorry, I had to take the chance"

"You're a prick Blaise" I grumbled after whacking him as I crossed my arms over my chest

"Why are you getting so upset?"

"I'm not upset Zabini" I said with slight annoyance as I glared at my feet as I felt a slight poke to my face

"Piss off"

"Don't say you haven't gotten upset because you have-"

"I'm not upset Blaise, I'm more annoyed that you would all say the same shit when you all know fine damn well that it's not true and that I'm with Theodore"

"It is though Lia-"

"No it's not Daphne. He walks around with such a high standard why the hell would he like someone like me?" I asked quietly and looked at them all with raised eyebrows as I glanced between them before giving a sigh and pushing myself to my feet and walking towards the dorms

"None of us are lying Amelia- do you remember what you told me a few weeks ago? He does like you and none of us would lie about that"

"Yes, Pansy, I do- but you know what? Fine. I'll just go and bloody ask him" I said with slight annoyance before turning around as I walked towards the boys dorm and down the stairs as my wrist was grabbed as I tried to stop myself from jumping from fright

"Amelia you can't"

"Why not?"

"Because, you just can't-"

"I knew it! I knew you guys were lying! I never thought you guys would've been the type to say stuff to just stir shit up for me" I said to Blaise in the stairwell, right outside of their dorm as I looked at him with a hint of disappointment before raising my hand and knocking as he quickly grabbed it, trying to pull me away

"We're not saying this to stir shit up. Lia, we are being 100% serious-"

"This is the first time I'm struggling to believe you Blaise-"

"But Amelia... just trust me with this. Have you seen the way he-?"

"Who are we talking about?" Turning around we both looked at their dorm door that had opened and to Theodore who stood there looking between the two of us curiously as we glanced at each other before I turned back, looking past him and into the dorm as I caught sight of Draco sitting on his bed with a scowl as he glared at Theodore, dropping his look when he met my gaze


"The one you were arguing with awhile ago?" He asked with his eyes on me as I nodded silently as he walked from the doorway and took a step up towards us as I caught sight of Draco getting to his feet

"Can I talk with you Amelia?"

"Yeah, em... I'll see you later Blaise" I said to him quietly before letting him walk ahead of me as I followed, feeling him wrap his arm around me as we walked through the common room and into the halls as he turned his head to me

"What have I told you about lying?"

"Wh-what? I wasn't lying-"

"Yes you were, I know fine damn well that you and Zabini weren't on about LJ- I'll give you one chance" he told me as he walked me into an empty classroom, locking the door behind him as he stared at me with his fist clenched

"Who were you talking about?"

"We were talking about LJ, I swear-"

"I said I'd give you a chance" he cut across me annoyed as he brought his arm back and I clamped my eyes shut

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