|Chapter 156 : Golden and Scared|

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"Nathan filled me in on your little catch up"

"Of course he did"

"He's quite upset at the minute Amelia, and very torn too"

"Adam please don't, I already feel really shit about it still"

"He knows that you've got a lot going on.... He just doesn't know why you aren't being honest with him" he explained quietly as we sat on opposite sides of the carriage as it made its way up the gravel path of Hogwarts and I glanced out the window to the darkening sky

"I don't know how to be"

"Do you know of something that's stopping you?"

"I don't know how he's going to react, or how any of you would react if I told you"

"Well why don't you talk to your mother about it? See if she can help in any way-"

"Nadia doesn't care enough"

"Amelia, come on, I know you two are at each others throats constantly but she does care about you and-"

"No, Adam, no. She cares about Holly and Oscar and her quidditch career and that's it" I reminded him quietly, resting my head back as we looked at each other and he gave a little sigh

"Well moving on- Jayden and Ali were meant to meet us today"

"They were?"

"Yeah they miss you like crazy, but something came up unfortunately and they had to cancel"

"Nah they just didn't want to see me" I sighed, looking at him before laughing as a smile grew on his face

"There was something I was meant to talk to you about actually"

"Go on"

"Your contract"

"Oh.... I forgot about that" I admitted quietly, the carriage stopping as he opened the door and climbed out, landing in the soft snow as he helped me out and I turned my head back to look at the thestrals that stood in the night calmly as we walked in the direction of the entrance hall

"Nathan asked me to talk to you about it, he'd do it himself but he felt like it would be bad timing"

"So what about it?"

"We know you signed the form and everything else... we're just wondering if you still want to go ahead with it?"

"You're kidding right? Adam that's such a silly question, of course I do!" I told him amused, a smile on my face as he turned and grinned at me, his eyes ecstatic


"Yes you numpty"

"Oh thank Merlin.... I mean you weren't really getting a choice-"


"No problem Lia. Anyways, we'll be starting proper training in around May- now I know you'll still be here and we're gonna sort something out, it's just that we'll need to sort the team out first and everything else that goes along with it before I can get back to you on that"

"Does this mean I'll get robes?"

"Will you get- of course you'll get robes" he told me scoffing as we both started laughing and he walked me down in the direction of the dungeons, our conversation flowing and bouncing off the walls as we laughed with each other, walking down the last set of stairs as I slowed my pace. Feeling my stomach drop I looked at Theodore who was leaning against the wall with his group of friends, an un-lit cigarette in his fingers

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry I just had a moment" I told him, forcing a laugh as I walked by his side again, feeling his stare as I looked up, making eye contact with Nott as he pushed himself off the wall and pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit his cigarette, taking a draw from it as he stopped us in our path, staring between the two of us silently before resting his eyes on me

"Are we allowed past? Or are you the hallway monitor for Hogwarts?" Adam asked as Theodore let out his breath, smoke filling the air around him as he stepped to the side with his arm out to motion for us to go past as we started walking again, Adam throwing me a look

"Who's that and what's his problem?"

"Amelia doesn't want me anymore" he called as Adam stopped and turned around confused as I stood just behind Adam, Notts eyes not leaving me once as he took in another breath

"Do you princess? ....No... I didn't think so"

"What?" Feeling sick fill my stomach I grabbed Adam's wrist, dragging him backwards as Nott walked back over to his friends and I pretty much ran down the corridor away from them as he looked at me confused

"Lia you know him right?"

"Yeah but don't worry about it.... He's just being a prick" I explained to him quietly as we reached the common room entrance and I hugged him tightly as he done the same, my hands sweaty as he rested a hand on my head

"There's something golden about you Amelia and I hope you realise that soon enough"


"You beat yourself up so much and stress yourself out.... You need to take a breather sometimes remember"

"Yeah I know, I'll try"

"Good, well goodnight and try to sleep, yeah?" Nodding silently we let go of each other as I vanished into the common room, my hand rubbing at my mouth as I instantly vanished into my dorm, making sure to lock the door behind me.

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