|Chapter 60 : Painting Pillowcases|

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"Ah fuck" I murmured quietly as the two stared at me and I was hauled to my feet, my arm getting held as the other picked my bike up

"I suppose it's down to the- hey!" Lunging away from him and wrestling my arm free I snatched my bike as I jumped on and started peddling for my life, just hearing the doors of the car slam shut as the siren started up and I sped off down the road with them behind me. Turning my head I watched as a car swung up beside me, a black four by four as I stared confused, the back door pushing open as I stared at Oscar

"Get the fuck in!" Staring at him for the shortest split second ever I cycled over to the side of the car, grabbing his extended hand as I let the bike fall and I was hauled in as I instantly slammed the door shut and he climbed back into the front seat next to Amina who was driving

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"Hello!" She greeted loudly as she just missed a nearby fence as I stared around the car confused

"You can drive?!"

"Nope! I'm guessing!"

"Oh bloody hell that's comforting. Who's car is this?!"

"We don't know! Found it and it was unlocked!" Oscar told me loudly as the sirens got louder and I turned to Draco and grinned


"Are you okay?"

"I'm amazing!" I told him laughing as he stared at me wide eyed, glancing to the paint covering most of me as I continued to look around the car

"Oscar! Check the glovebox, I want to know what dumb bitch left this car unlocked" I said to him as he nodded grinning and I started looking around

"What are you doing?"

"Looking for something I can use as a portkey-"

"Thank god you thought of that Amelia because there's no way we can get out of this without being caught" Amina said as I laughed lightly and motioned for him to help as we started searching and I grabbed an empty glass bottle just as Oscar started laughing

"What? What have you found?"

"Olivia Macamara. This is her car!"

"What?! No way!"

"Yep! Look" he said as he passed something back to me and I looked at the fake drivers licence as I started laughing hysterically, making sure to leave it where it could be found as I flicked my wand, the bottle starting to glow a vibrant blue colour as I held it out, the three of us taking ahold of it as I waited on Amina, shouting loudly just as she took ahold of it as I looked at the tree the car was heading straight for as I clamped my eyes shut.

Landing with a thud I groaned again as I opened my eyes and looked about, having landed in the back garden as my cheeks turned pink slightly and I pushed myself off of Draco apologising before helping him to his feet as the four of us practically ran towards the back door, walking across the floor boards silently before getting to the basement door as I practically pushed them in.

"What the hell are we-?"

"Shut up" I hissed at Oscar as I tried to look around the dark room before deciding to just illuminate my wand as I walked to the massive wardrobe, opening the door and pushing the hangers aside as I tapped the back of the wardrobe and it turned into a door and I pushed them through it, climbing up the stairs after them as I shut both the doors as we ended up in my room

"Oscar, get to your room, Amina-"

"I'll go with him" she whispered as I nodded and the two instantly left and I tugged my jumper off

"You'll need to change, just dump the clothes in the bath" I told him before pushing him into the bathroom with his bag as I darted towards my wardrobe, quickly ditching my clothes as I changed into a pair of shorts and grabbed my top just as my bedroom door opened and I looked to Oscar who stood there frantically

"Get back to your room-"

"The Macamara's are out front!"


"Bloody hell Amelia get some clothes on"

"For fucks sake Oscar stop being a baby I have a bra on. Now get back to your fucking room and pretend to be asleep" I hissed at him as I walked from my wardrobe as the bathroom door opened and I shut the door on Oscar before pulling my top over my head as I rushed past Draco, dumping my clothes in the bathroom as he stood there confused as I tip toed to the door and turned the light out as I listened while the loud knocking sounded at the door and Nadia's room door opened and she started walking down the hall and to the stairs, mumbling to herself. Whipping around I creeped across towards him as I grabbed his hand and pulled him down next to me on the bed before throwing the duvet over us both

"What's happening?"

"The Macamara's are outside the front. I suppose they found the car"

"So why am I-?"

"Because it'll look more natural. Don't have the time to put a bed or anything up either" I murmured quietly as I listened to them make their way up the stairs and the two of us instantly lay down as we looked at each other while we both listened to Nadia's voice get louder and louder

"I'm telling you, they're asleep-"

"I highly doubt it-"

"I highly doubt that I would have of missed the fact that two of my children and their friend sneaked out at night without me knowing. But still, by all means, check. Be prepared to be proven wrong though" she said loudly as my eyes widened and I quickly murmured an apology before resting my head gently in the crook of his neck and he became still as I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep as he wrapped an arm around me on under the duvet as my bedroom door opened


"No. Because your daughter wrecked my daughters car!"

"In all fairness Macamara, your daughter isn't even of legal age to drive a car so if you don't keep your voice down I'll tell the police that the car isn't yours but your daughters. Now please, get the fuck out of my house" she said to him before closing my bedroom door as they started arguing quietly as their voices started to get quieter and I lifted my head after a couple of quiet moments

"Oh fucking hell that was close"

"Too close"

"I can't believe that we-"

"I swear to Merlin Amelia if you get any paint of my pillowcases I'll hex you" Nadia hissed from the door as I turned my head towards her, looking at the grin on her face making me scowl

"Shut the fuck up they're my pillowcases" I said to her as she shut my door again with a shake of her head before disappearing as I grabbed my wand, flicking it before I looked to Draco

"Is there any more paint in my hair?"

"No, you're all good"

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