|Chapter 58 : Honest Opinions|

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"So she doesn't know you're here?"


"You're willing to risk her finding out?"

"I don't care if she finds out. She can't keep you lot out of my life, I need you dingbats. And you've all done far more for me, this year in particular, than she has my whole life" I told Nathan quietly as I kept my head against him, still in a hug as the others stayed in the living room and I glanced up at him while he let out a quiet sigh

"You could've died-"

"It was an accident-"

"I know it was. But at your age do you know how you're statistically most likely to die?"

"At the hands of Nadia?"

"An accident"

"Yeah, it will be an 'accident'. An accident caused by an accident" I muttered as he turned his head and looked at me, blinking as I flashed him a grin. Turning our heads slightly we listened as Ali and Jayden continued to laugh from the living room

"I bet Draco is dying to leave"

"I wouldn't blame him. You can stay the night if you want?"

"This isn't your house"

"Yes I know but both me and Adam want you round. I thought I wouldn't get a chance to talk to you again"

"I'm always going to talk to you Nathan. You can't get away from me"

"Is that a threat?"

"I'm the threat" I corrected him, grinning up at him as he shook his head amused, trying to hide the smirk that had started to form as I looked at him with a smile

"I'd love to stay the night but I've got plans"

"You have?"



"Just plans" I grinned as he looked at me, a slightly suspicious look starting to grow while I smiled up at him

"Hay te adoro, te quiero"

"You what?"

"I don't know"

"You say something to me in a different language and don't even know what it means?"

"It's probably just gibberish more than likely"

"It's probably a threat. Or an insult knowing you"

"Well that's just rude"

"No.... it's not rude"

"It most definitely is"

"No, I'm just being honest. I was always taught to be honest-"

"See now that, makes your statement even ruder" I told him laughing as he grinned at me and I hugged him tighter for a brief moment before stepping back

"Got to head back"

"Do you?"

"Yeah, sorry"

"You should be"

"Fuck you"

"You love me"

"Of course I do. But I do have to go"

"Owl me, okay?"


"When you're next free for a visit"

"I will, just give me a few days" I told him quietly as I was given a handful of floo powder and I headed into the living room, motioning Draco over to the fireplace as he more than happily got to his feet and came over as I gave a brief wave to the four standing there before we disappeared, landing in the living room as I looked at him

"Right, there's a few things I'm going to have to explain"

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