|Chapter 31 : Taken Too Much|

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"Out of my way Oscar" I shot at him as I moved past him in an instant, storming up the stairs away from the dungeons while I kept a tight grip of the leaflet in my hand, my hands pure white and body feeling as if it was on fire as he followed after me and I scanned angrily for Holly

"What's wrong?"

"Don't concern yourself-"

"But I-"

"Oscar! Fuck off!" I told him loudly as I caught sight of Holly walking down the entrance hall steps next to Nadia as I let shouted out, both of them turning around with grins


"Oh, hi Amelia. I was actually just-"

"You little shit. It's funny how you're nice to my face. It's hilarious how you talk shit about me to my friends behind my back and it's downright fucking comical how you think I won't find out!" I said to her loudly as I reached their sides, shoving past Nadia as I grabbed Holly and shoved her down the steps

"You little bitch!"

"Amelia! Don't you fucking dare-!"

"Shut up!" I screamed at Nadia before jogging down the steps and tackling Holly after she had started getting to her feet, punching her in the stomach repeatedly before I held her down by her shoulders

"You think what you did was funny?! Telling one of my friends that I'm a freak?! You're supposed to be on my side! Instead you thought it would be good on your behalf to fucking give her this! This!" I shouted at her as I branded the leaflet in front of her face, getting grabbed as I brought my elbow back into someone's stomach before I grabbed a handful of Holly's hair, not listening to her shriek as I slammed her head against the grass

"You're a complete bastard-!"

"I did what I had to!"

"How did you have to do that?! Why do you think that was such a necessary thing to do?!"

"Because I needed to get my point across!"

"You don't have a point to get across! I'm not a freak!"

"Are you sure?" She asked quietly as she glanced at my hands and I done the same, bright white and numb as I was hauled up, dragged backwards as I stared at her while Nadia went over, glaring at me with all her might before she started fussing over her and I was brought inside as I started digging in my pocket

"What the fuck was that all about?" Ignoring Blaise I grabbed the tablets that were in my pocket, putting them all in my mouth at once in a panic as an overwhelming acidic taste came over me and I turned around, barely able to see him as he stood with Daphne and Pansy next to him as she came over

"What the fuck did you just take?"

"Nothing, I didn't take-"

"What the fuck was it?!" She asked loudly as I was shoved against the wall and I tried to move her arms away limply, not able to see her as my body grew weak and I felt myself collapse completely.


Feeling as if there was a weight on my head I let out a groan before opening my eyes slightly, a burning feeling growing as I looked at the lit lanterns around the dorm and turned my head slightly, Flint sitting on the chair at my desk as he looked at me

"You're unbelievable" ignoring him I rolled over with a struggle, muttering to myself as I looked at Nathan who was sitting on Pansy's bed, head in his hands as he looked at me with his eyebrows raised

"He's right" rolling onto my stomach I lifted one of my pillows as I kept it over my head.



"Take the pillow off of your head"

"No- Nathan, I have another" I told him quietly after he'd snatched it from me and I picked up the other one and done the same thing as it was taken from me again

"Why're you in here?"

"We've been making sure nothing happens to you-"

"It's not like I was going to die Nathan-"

"You fucking were! If you had taken one more of those fucking tablets you would've been lying dead in the middle of a fucking corridor!" He shouted at me as I listened to him jump to his feet and I turned my head and glanced at him before reaching into my pocket and searching around slightly before I pulled out a singular tablet, looking at it before dropping it onto the dorm floor

"It's a shame I didn't take it then" I murmured as I rolled over completely, lying on my back to stare up at the ceiling as I rubbed at my face

"Give us ten minutes Flint" Nathan said to him quietly as I watched from the corner of my eye as he stood up and left the dorm quietly as I pushed myself up weakly, a sick feeling coming over me as I drew my knees to my chest and dropped my head onto them with a quiet groan

"I don't want a lecture-"

"I'm not going to lecture you Amelia"

"Then I don't want shouted at-"


"I'm not dealing with this right now" I murmured quietly as I stood up numbly, not able to stay standing as I sank back down onto the bed as I rubbed my skin

"After everything I said to you.... all of those warnings..... everything-"

"Nathan, I'm not-"

"Why won't you get it in your head! Those fucking things have killed witches-!"

"Well maybe I wanted that to happen! Did you ever take the time to consider that?!" I asked loudly, cutting him off mid-shout as I turned my head and stared at him

"Well?! Did you?!"

"What do you mean Amelia?"

"What do you think I bloody mean?"

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