|Chapter 135 : Normal entrance?|

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Opening my eyes slightly I glanced around me, three empty beds and the dorm I was in was completely silent. Shifting slightly I froze, feeling myself tense up as I took notice of the arm wrapped around my waist and my back against someone's chest as the sound of someone breathing quietly met my ears as I swallowed before slowly turning my head around, catching sight of Draco sleeping behind me as my heart rate slowed down while I turned my head back around, feeling myself start to relax a bit.

"You're okay in here you know" he mumbled quietly as I turned my head around and looked at him from where he had rested his head above mine, his eyes open just enough to look about as he offered a small and tired smile

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just sort of panicked when I felt your arm around me" I explained to him quietly as he glanced down and looked to his arm before back at me

"Sorry, it probably happened when I fell asleep. Do you want me to move?" He asked as I stayed still for a moment before shaking my head

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Half nine-"

"We're late for class-"

"It's Saturday, Amelia" he mumbled quietly with a light laugh as I watched his eyes shut again and he mumbled slightly

"You can stay here for as long as you want"

"But he's going to be looking for me"

"Well he won't be getting in here" he told me quietly as I turned my head back around and rested it back on the pillow quietly as he tightened his hold slightly and I looked ahead, past the empty beds and to the door as I stared at it for awhile, my mind wandering so far I didn't notice the handle push down as I flinched slightly, my hand darting towards my waist band as I searched frantically for my wand

"Lia? What're you doing?"

"Where's my wand? I need my wand"

"It's on my desk behind me. Why do you need it?"

"The door. Look at the door, it's him. He knows I'm here, he's going to come in and see me with y-" I started to say quietly and quickly as I stared at the door wide eyed as he sat up behind me in an instant before reaching across me and grabbing his wand from the table while I gripped at the hand he used to keep himself up as I kept my eyes glued on the door as it started to push open slowly and I felt my grip tighten before it opened enough for both of us to look out to see who was there, letting out the breath I didn't know I was holding as we both looked at Blaise who was standing outside the door, talking to someone at the top of the steps

"Zabini you fucking prick!" Draco shouted at him after he had slipped in, creeping across the floor as to not be heard as he jumped backwards at the suddenness, not realising we were both awake as he whipped around towards us

"What? What did I do?"

"How bloody dumb are you? You fucking idiot" he shot at him before putting his wand back and lying back down as his arm wrapped back around me as I turned over and rested my head on his shoulder as he looked at me with a look of slight surprise

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm alright, just still... well yeah"

"I'm still confused, what did I do?"

"Why didn't you just walk in the door normally? Instead of standing there with the handle pushed down making, Lia think that it was Nott trying to get in here"

"... oh. Oh fuck. Amelia I didn't mean to make you think-"

"Blaise. It's fine" I told him quietly as I turned my head and looked at him from where he stood a couple of feet from us before sinking down onto the floor as I turned back over and looked at him as I felt Draco's hand rest on my hip, my back firmly against his chest as I felt the heat rise to my cheeks while he rested his head just above mine

"What were you doing?"

"Talking to Pansy and Daphne. I told them that you were in here"

"You did?"

"Yeah, they were desperate to come down and see you but I told them to wait, I thought you were both still asleep. They agreed to wait, I don't know how long for though" he explained quietly as I stayed still for a couple of moments before nodding silently as he shuffled forward and rested his head against the side of the bed as I reached my hand out and rubbed gently at his forehead with my thumb

"You've got something on your head"

"I thought you just wanted to rub at my head" he mumbled as he tried to offer a small smile before he jumped up and I flinched, drawing my hand back as I shuffled backwards

"Sorry Lia, I didn't mean to- I just wanted to- I went- look" he rambled as he dug around in his pocket before pulling out something as he held his hand out and I looked at the small vial of dittany that was resting on his palm as my eyes flicked between him and his hand


"I went to Pomfrey"

"You did?"

"I did" he told me as he put his hand back in his pocket before pulling out a second vial as I stared at him before pushing myself up into a sitting position as I wrapped my arms around him and brought him into a hug as I rested my head on his shoulder before sinking down onto the floor next to him as we sat quietly

"Thank you Blaise, both of you.. so much" I said to them both quietly, surprised I could hear myself as I tightened my hold around Blaise as I tried to keep my tears down

"Please don't thank us Amelia"

"But I-"

"Don't say you need to either. You just need to stay safe"

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