|Chapter 115 : Again|

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I looked up from the table where I was doing my work as someone stormed into the common room and over to where I was sitting

"Get off me" I spat at him after he took a grasp of my arms tightly

"You're an insufferable brat and I don't know how or why anyone puts up with you!" Nott yelled at me as I cowered back into the couch as his shadow covered me in the empty common room, everyone being in the great hall for dinner as he stood above me with rage written all over his face as he raised a hand and brought it down as it came in contact with my skin leaving a sharp sting to my cheek making my hand instantly dart towards it.
Looking up at him with tears glazing my eyes, I shouted as he balled his fist into my hair and dragged me to the floor before aiming kicks at every inch of skin as I screamed in pain

"This, is what you get for running to Malfoy" he said quietly in my ear as tears streamed down my face while he crouched down in front of me

"You really are a pathetic, little bitch" he spat before ramming his palm into my nose making me shout out as blood rolled down from my nose and across my cheek as I cried in pain before he sent a blow to my stomach making me lurch forward and clutch it in pain as he stood up and left the common room, leaving me lying there with pain raking through my bones.

I laid there for a couple of minutes before crawling to my feet as I scrambled towards the staircase that led to the boys dorm as I fell inside and locked the door behind me before doing the same to the bathroom as I slid down the wall opposite the door with tears rolling down my face as I cleared away the blood. I waited for the rest of the hour to go by and I listened as the dorm door clicked open while I jumped to my feet with my wand in my hand as two voices filled the room

"Why the hell did you lock the door?"

"I didn't, it might've been Crabbe or Goyle"

"I was the last one in here, and plus, those two couldn't get to the hall fast enough" a voice said as the handle was pushed down as a sigh sounded from the other side

"Oh bloody hell" was all that said before the lock glowed and the door opened as I stared in panic while someone stepped in and I pointed my wand at them with a violently shaking hand before I dropped my wand and went running over as I crashed into Draco with tears falling down my cheeks

"What the- what happened?" He asked while I wrapped my arms around him tightly, not caring about the pain as he hugged me back while Blaise walked into the bathroom

"I told you it wasn't me!"

"Shut up Zabini" Draco spat at him before looking down at me

"What's wrong?"

"H-he found me" I told him crying while I buried my head into him as my grip tightened

"Was it Nott?" He asked quietly as I stood there for a bit before nodding as a noise escaped his throat

"Blaise, stay with her. I'll be back soon" he said quietly before trying to pry my hands away while I hugged him tighter

"Draco please don't"

"Amelia if I don't do something then he'll keep doing this and I'm not going to let that happen- Blaise will you take her off me-?" He asked but stopped as he looked around

"Blaise?" He asked confused before sighing as he looked down at me as he raised his hand and I flinched instantly while my eyes rapidly closed shut. His hand was gently placed on my cheek as my eyes slowly opened while his thumb grazed across my skin softly and I looked up at him and stared at the hurt filled eyes

"You didn't really think-?"

"No- I'm sorry" I apologised to him quietly as I  shook my head before resting it back against his chest, the soft drum of his heart flowing into my ears

"Where do you think he's gone?" I asked just as a bang sounded from the common room and we looked at one another before making our way up to the common room and watched from the top of the stairs as Blaise was hauled in by the back of the shirt by Snape, blood evident on his face.

"That's a months detention Zabini" he said coldly as he was pushed in our direction and we helped steady him as he reached our side while I wiped a smear of blood from under his eye

"What happened?" I asked quietly as Snape addressed everyone else in the common room while he slipped past and went towards the dorm silently

"Let that be a lesson to you all: don't go picking fights for no reason, let alone with someone in your own house or you might as well end up in a worse state than Mr Zabini-"

"Don't blame Blaise professor" I spoke up as all heads turned to our direction

"If he started the fight then he is to be blamed Miss Black"

"Yes but he had his reasons sir"

"Which were?" He asked in his usual slow pace as I glanced around at all the curious and amused faces in the room before looking back at him

"Reasons that are not to be discussed within the presence of people who aren't to know" I answered quietly as he raised an eyebrow at me and silence passed around the room for a minute

"With me Miss Black" he said with his usual emotionless voice as I reluctantly took a step forward but not before feeling a tug on my wrist making me hiss in pain as I turned around and watched as Draco dropped my wrist with an apologetic look on his face

"What are you doing?"

"Getting Blaise out of the shit he didn't cause"

"Let me do it, you stay here-"

"No, Draco- listen to me, I need you to stay here and make sure Blaise is okay. I won't be long, if you need help healing anything get LJ and Aaron, both of them can heal injuries well enough" I whispered to him as I walked away and followed Snape out of the common room

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