|Chapter 121 : Proven Wrong|

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I walked down the hall with my head bowed as I held my bag tightly over my shoulder while fixing my robes slightly as I listened to the sound of my shoes hitting off the floor while a hand landed on my shoulder and I glanced over as another pair of feet sounded with mine

"Hey Lia"

"Leave me be Draco" I told him quietly as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and looked at me

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, now leave me alone"

"Lila, something's wrong-"

"Don't call me Lila" I shot at him as I shrugged his arm off me and continued down the corridor until he caught up with me and stopped me in my tracks and cornered me as I stared at my feet

"Amelia, what's wrong? You won't even look at me and you haven't spoken to me or Blaise at all these past few days, Pansy and Daphne have said that it's rare you talk to them too. Just tell me what's happened, let me help-"

"You can't bloody help so just leave me alone" I told him, trying to sound harsh as I moved away from him, brushing past him as I walked the way I was going while his hand landed on my shoulder again and spun me around for me to face him

"Was it him?"

"Was it who?"


"No Malfoy it wasn't Theodore so just let go of me and fucking leave me alone" I lied to him, looking at him annoyed as he kept his hand on my shoulder and studied my face

"Let go of me before I hex you" I warned him as his grip loosened slightly while he continued to stare at me before he dropped his hand and I walked away from him as he stared after me

"This isn't you Amelia, I don't know what he's done or what he's said but we're not going to let you push us away- we know who you are and what you're like-" he called out as I whipped around and glared at him

"Don't you dare say you know me Malfoy because you know nothing about me- you don't know who I am and you don't know how I act so don't try to tell me any differently. And don't accuse Theo of doing something he hasn't because that just makes you as bad as your father-"

"Don't say stuff like that Amelia"

"Don't tell me what I should and what I shouldn't say- you're a carbon copy of him and I want you to stay the fuck away from me. That goes for Zabini too- I don't want any of you near me" I said to him, acting angry while the inner hatred I held continued growing, disgusted at myself for saying those things as I tried to hold the look on my face as he stared at me

"You don't mean any of that Amelia"

"I meant every-"

"No you didn't- no matter what look you force onto your face your eyes give it away every time. I don't know what's happened but you know- I know, that this isn't you and you don't mean a single thing you've said" he said to me with a soft look as I shook my head and glared at him before whipping around and storming off down the corridor, rounding a corner I stopped as I clamped my hand over my mouth and slipped into a nearby classroom and shut the door as I let the tears silently run down my cheeks while I sat there with a painful heart as I slammed my head against the wall repeatedly

"Fuck" I mumbled to myself as I dropped my head onto my knees. Getting up awhile later I wiped at my face before taking a shaky breath and walking towards the library as I made my way to the back and dumped my bag on the floor as I propped my head up in my hands and the space beside me was soon taken

"I don't know who you are and I don't care but just do me a favour and piss off"

"I will once you tell me what's going on" Blaise's voice said quietly as I lifted my head and took in a short breath before standing up and grabbing my things and making my way out of the library as he followed me

"Amelia Fern Black you stop right now and you tell me what's going on" he said loudly with a firmness to his voice as I stopped slightly and turned around to him

"Don't call me that"

"I will if it gets you to listen"

"Leave me alone Zabini before I threaten to hex you like I did Malfoy"

"You won't Amelia- you won't hex us"

"Will I not?"

"You wouldn't be able to bring yourself to"

"You don't know that-"

"I do Amelia- but if you doubt me, hex me. Prove me wrong" he said as he held his arms out and stared at me as I blinked at him and tried to keep my face expressionless

"Do it then" he urged as my hand loosely held the handle of my wand in my cloak pocket as I continued to stare at him

"You never believe me- I knew you wouldn't" he said quietly as my hand gripped my wand and I looked at him slightly confused as his eyes looked past me before glancing back to me as I narrowed my eyes

"I told you to leave me alone Malfoy- petrificus totalus!" I said quietly at first before calling the incantation as I whipped around and the spell hit him in the chest and he fell to the floor


"Stupefy" I said turning around as the spell struck his arm and I watched him fall back as I stared at the two of them on the floor, slowly starting to move again as my eyes widened and I stared at my hands

"Lia-" not listening to Draco I turned around and ran past them down the corridor, not believing what I had done, an immense amount of guilt growing rapidly in my chest

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