|Chapter 133 : Breaking|

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"Look, I'm not perfect and I'm very much far from it but I'm doing my hardest to keep you safe"

"Safe? You are doing everything but keeping me safe"

"Don't say that Amelia"

"Why not? It's true, you're hurting me more than healing"

"I'm protecting you"

"You're putting me in harms way" I corrected Nott ludicrously, standing out in the empty hallway, the celebrations from the first task having died down as everyone waited in anticipation for the next task to come about. Feeling him grab both my wrists he quickly moved to holding both of my hands, a strange panic taking over me and he stared at me

"I'm keeping you from harms way-"

"You are harms way-"

"Don't say that Amelia-"

"Why not? It's true! You say you're protecting me or at least trying to when in reality the only person I need protecting from is you!" I spat at him, pulling myself free and walking off quickly down the corridor, trying to put as much distance between us as I could, eventually feeling his hand on my shoulder as his grip tightened immensely and I was pulled down and around the corridor, getting pushed into a nearby broom cupboard as he locked the door, my back firmly against the wood as he stood in front of me with his hands either side of my head

"I don't care who you think you are or what power you believe you hold, Black, but you do not talk to me like that or with that tone of voice"

"Try and stop me-"

"If you don't quit this stupid little game of yours I won't hesitate in going to your mother with the most fucked up story that'll make her hate you even more. Then I'll go to your siblings, Diggory, Malfoy-"

"You won't do shit-"

"And what makes you so sure?"

"You're not enough of a man to do so- you are nothing more than a stupid little boy who runs around trying to find a form of validation somewhere-"

"You watch-"

"God the urge to kill myself around you grows stronger each day" I told him disgusted, pushing his hands from me as I turned the lock, his arm wrapping around my neck tightly in a chokehold as I started kicking my feet, mop buckets up turning and brushes falling to the floor as his hold tightened, my eyes starting to burn with tears as I scratched at his skin as he repeatedly tried to hush me, failing with his attempts before he turned around and pressed me up against the wall, my skin pressed painfully against the cold stone granite

"You've escalated this situation to another level, Black. You put yourself in this position and now you're going to find out the extent of the consequences of your own actions" he told me quietly, moving his arm from my neck as I instantly gasped, filling my lungs with as much air possible before he twisted my arm around my back in and uncomfortable position, him grabbing my index finger and slowly bending it backwards

"Nott- no please don't- Theodore please that's going to-" cutting myself off with a shout, the crack from my finger echoed around the four walls as tears started filling my eyes and I tried to bite back my cry of pain as he let go of me, leaving the broom cupboard with a quiet close of the door as I slowly let myself slump down to the floor, cradling my throbbing hand

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